20 plants dieing leaves curling down HELP ASAP


Well-Known Member
ive been so busy sorry for no update lol....
all the Alaskan ices have sprouted and our looking good. the one is rockwool is finally showing roots threw the bottom.
the girls are all doing great. the clawed one is still clawed even after the peroxide.....iohh well i guess its still budding along just fine. pics in a bit


Active Member
plants that don't get food eat themselves to survive. I'd suggest finding some good nutes that have all the secondary and trace elements... sloppy rule of thumb coming up: fertilize every third watering or so with 1/2 strength nutes (1/2 of recommended strength on bottle)... don't fertilize last 2 weeks only plain water... watering without nutes is essentially flushing soil of anything that was in there... which is what you have been doing. also, adding a couple tsps. of fine dolomite lime to the water will help regulate ph.. (humic acids can cause ph to rise; dolomite lime is ph neutral and will buffer to @ 7pH)


Active Member
Hey Hash, tomorrow im going to hydro store try to get some square pots ( gosh those are hard to find) some RW, and some hydroton, and GH nutes as well...i gonna try a little SOG propably 10 girl for 3x2 closet space. i will take a pic a post tomorrow ....

Hash Lover

Well-Known Member
I know what you mean about the square pots. I guess everybody thinks they need to be round. That's why I made me own even though it is a bit of a pain. What type of system are you planning on doing? What happened to the last plants you were growing? I saw that you had posted some stuff on them.


Well-Known Member
hey i have the Micro, the flower and the veg general hydro ferts know. so what do mix do u think i should use for the girls feed time is coming up


Active Member
Hey Hash,sorry man im working full time + going to school full time. on top of that i dont have internet in my house, i connect when i go to the coffee shop. Well i just planted two northern lights in soil couple months ago, but just for experimental king of thing, now im germinating the super skunk and going to build my hydro table in my Spring Break time, for sure i will post some pics late this week and details about my whole set up....thanks bro


Well-Known Member
Hey Hash,sorry man im working full time + going to school full time. on top of that i dont have internet in my house, i connect when i go to the coffee shop. Well i just planted two northern lights in soil couple months ago, but just for experimental king of thing, now im germinating the super skunk and going to build my hydro table in my Spring Break time, for sure i will post some pics late this week and details about my whole set up....thanks bro
LOL im doing the same working and school full time. but man some of these plants have beautiful buds on them. ill take pics in a little bit.

Hash Lover

Well-Known Member
I know what you guy's mean. I work full time although not so full latey. It's been a little slow with work (I do home remodeling) but is getting busy again. But I probably spend a lot more time working on my grow and studying growing than I do at work. I guess you could call it home schooling and I get to pick my class. Plus I'm in charge so that works out good.

Hash Lover

Well-Known Member
Give us some time. Plants look great, I see you have the reflectors pointing down now. You could get some cheap wing reflectors that would help get you some more light. You could maybe take them apart and mount the light separate in the reflector. How are you at electrical?


Well-Known Member
yea that one is still clawed and the one on to the left of it is tooo only on the middle part tho so weird. every other plant is super healthy all green all the way down lol that indica is such a great plant real tight internodes lots of bud sites

Hash Lover

Well-Known Member
That's one of the nice things about the indica strains, They make a hell of a bush. Flower sites everywhere.


Active Member
nice buds Anika , good job man....tomorrow i will post my 4 news littles babies just sprout...and post some pics about my ebb/flow...im building right now...i hope to hear some feedback from you guys ....hash what a you up to lately? how yours plants? i notice you have some hydro setup is going on there ....is DWC? or Ebb/flow?