20 Questions...Ok 21

Who is going to speak for the patients now that you represent DG's and doctors like Kammermans?

He signed papers for alot of patients. I can tell you from my experience he is a genuine doctor that sees past the bullshit. He doesnt listen to the college of physicians or follow rule of thumb of public appropriateness. I first got signed with him as my old family doctor would not do it. As i went to Dr K's travelling clinic i seen many,many disabled and people in need this included quadropoligic, people in wheel chairs, people with crutches, people with physical disablements and a hell of alot of elderly people. He paved the road for many of us (back then 5,000 of the 13,000 in MMAR) Keep in mind, he did not sign if you did not provide any medical documentation. All of us had our heart rates checked, weight checked, blood pressure taken, list of medications and medical documents photo copied. I know of 2 other people from 420mag who also got there family doctor to sign off on the b1 after kamermans was no longer allowed to sign off on MMAR. In my experience Dr kamermans, his wife and daughter ran a appropriate operation that grew out of proportion but that isnt his fault, the need is there. He would rather give you a script for weed then you keep taking your pain killers. When i seen him, we covered everything i posted above and at the end he shook my hand, gave me a hug and said get well brother. Had Dr K not done what he did, 5,000 patients would have gone without and statistics show some would have lost there lives to pain killers. dishes me and you get along well but i dont feel bringing up kamermans is appropriate, he helped the cause not damage it.

He is a man who upheld his hippocratic oath when every other doctor wouldnt.
Kammermans patients have the choice of getting signed up again FOR FREE through legal means...

he also made a SHIT SHOWS worth of ccccCASH he forgot to declare.. lol
That pissed off the wrong group of feds :lol:
the ones who paid just to pay...cant do that as easy ....
Kammermans patients have the choice of getting signed up again FOR FREE through legal means...

he also made a SHIT SHOWS worth of ccccCASH he forgot to declare.. lol
That pissed off the wrong group of feds :lol:
the ones who paid just to pay...cant do that as easy ....
Thats a tough arguement to make, you would need to look at the time of year and see if it was within the tax period. To be clear, he was not tried for that. I believe it was distribution however they worked that in...
Thats a tough arguement to make, you would need to look at the time of year and see if it was within the tax period. To be clear, he was not tried for that. I believe it was distribution however they worked that in...
it shows the need for Dr's to sign in my opinion.
we paid for ours after 2.5 yrs of being turned down by our family Dr, paid Dr and a few others.
2 Dr's got mad. the paid dr said he doesn't agree with smoking anything. when i said she won't be smoking it boy did his face get red. he then stated "I will not be signing your papers!!" not even open to a discussion
Sent: December 7, 2015 12:38 PM
To: Nadine Bews
Subject: Request to add my name to the Audit Request

Hello Nadine, I would like to have my name added to the request for Audit of the MMAR Coalition Against Repeal now known as The Cannabis Rights Coalition as I question the legalities of their fundraising efforts and I fear they have put the patients at risk of losing the medical cannabis gardens that are a matter of life and death for many of us and is very important in improving the quality of life of all of us.

I also question the relationship between John Conroy and Kirk Tousaw and non-lawyer Jason Wilcox and am curious to know why this is being allowed. I question where the proceeds of funds raised are being allocated as it is NOT clear where the proceeds of funds raised are going and question both pledge forms that have Mr Conroy and Mr. Tousaw's name on them and I don't believe this is being candid or forthcoming and these are sick and disabled who are at risk of being exploited even in a perfect world.

I also question why the people who are The Coalition who are supposed to,be professionally representing us patients are not even abiding by Generally Accepted Accounting Principals and don't have any consistent reporting standards. I also witnessed misappropriation of funds and illegal activities and experienced abuse and I have knowledge of other patients experiencing abuse but we are being told to not tell the police or we will be responsible for us losing our gardens. I personally was told by Sam Mellace to call off the RCMP Cpl Paula Hernandez about the threats, intimidation and harassment with criminal intent from members of the Administration of the MMAR Coalition Against Repeal or I would be responsible for losing 40,000 gardens.

I am slo concerned that there is such a huge turnover in the Administration within the Coalition and wonder why Dispensary owners Rejean Houle and Aaron Bott are now in The Official MMAR Administration Facebook Group along with Shelia Jacobson, The Maurice and Toni Fazio and a person from outside of Canada and many others but refuse to accept me or to inform me as to why not or communicate with me in any manner whatsoever as to why I am being denied. Who then is running The Coalition Steering Committee and this leads me into all the questions that we have gathered and are listed on the roll it up forum because we the patients are told we are not allowed to contact the Mr Conroy to go through Jason Wilcox but he expuls patients and then they have no access to The legal Process that we are financing with our pensions.

I have lost trust in The Coalition and the lawyers and I would like to Request an Audit and possible a Public Inquiry.

Sandra Comeau
Ontario Representative in Exile
MMAR Coalition Against Repeal