20% rH when curing?

Hi all!

I live in the wonderful state of Colorado and just cut a few of my girls this past week. They are currently drying in the closet with not all but some leaves still in tact. I left them on to give the bud a fighting chance to not dry out so fast. I know the optimum rH is 45-55% when curing. Even humidifiers have little effect at this elevation, dry dry state:(. Is this going to present a major issue? Humidity in my house is around 20, the closet is 25-30, I do not want to over dry. The weed looks and smells phenomenal and after four months I really don't want to mess it up on the last stretch, any advise is majorly appreciated!


Well-Known Member
im dealing with same issue. 20-30% here . I added humidifier next to intake of my tent and got it to 40% but still dried them pretty well in 3 days. wish i coulda dried a bit longer.


Well-Known Member
ive seen his thread. no use to me now that everything is dried. They are doing okay tho about 60% humidity in the jars so time to let them simmer.
Ya I'm in the same boat, most of mine is getting too dry for that to matter but by leaving some of the leaves on I'm hoping to slow things down enough to salvage the dankness