I often think of it as Human conditioning, Remember only 3 years or so ago and petrol was say 85 - 90 cents a litre (In Australia), then it jumps to $1 per litre every one was thinking the world was about to end, then it does its up & down cycle to where it is now, Its just conditioning the human brain to accept it and realise that its not controllable, we should have invaded Saudi Arabia instead, Camel Jockey mother fuckers if there are Saudi Arabians on this site "I fucked your Mother" and it was like throwing a sausage down wall street.what I've noticed is the news reporting for months that the reason for oil prices going up is the threat of terrorist actions (which makes me think "bullshit").....prices goin up because something might happen...Fucken BS.....Now The news is reporting increase is because of the weakening dollar....They're just gonna keep comin up with BS excuses for why they're rapin us!!!
Here Here, I agree 100%We just need to get the hell off oil
We know how, we can do it
But the oil companies won't let it happen, they are gonna milk it even if it ruins us.
Sorry..........................Wasn't talking about you....