2000 watt hps setup


New Member
So im thinking of doing a 2000 watt setup to help out a local dispensary because they need help! I will be growing blue dream clones 20 of them vegged for 4-5 weeks with nutes. I have a few questions with the set up. Ive experienced with my 1000 watt before but temps were high. I want to put an a/c in my window set up two 1000 watt hps in front of that, would the temps be too high with the ac and fans pointing at the light i need to run ducting right? Can i vent into the attic? What type of yields can i expect? 3 lbs?


Air cooled hoods get the real vent fans from the hydro store blow that out the window 24x7 if you're still getting hot buy another vent fan


All depends on how you trained it some plants will support more tops than other. You can yield a shit load off one plant done right.

brotes grandes

Active Member
You can put the air con in and lower temps but I'd just get a better exh fan and a air cooled hood,less fu#*ing around to be honest. I know someone that veges for 7-8 weeks with a 1000w hps and pulls off a pound per plant.


Lb per plant is winning probably going to have to be hydro to get it like that soil won't vedge as quick. hps from the time they root.