2000 watt Setup for 6 plants? good?


Well-Known Member
obviously y would i post wet weights???? no offense just sayin check out fdd he will prove all im sayin root bound does not exist.. and the mothers i flowered were in 1.5 gallon pots for over 8 months b4 flower..


Well-Known Member
i just hope what im trying to achieve is possible.. a pound per plant.. 6 plants under 2000 watt hps.. veg til 3 feet tall. and i mite lst them


Well-Known Member
if your room height is less then 9 ft not including lights i would not veg to 3 ft.. plants double to triple in size during the first two weeks of flower. it is possible what u want it just depends on strain and technique


Well-Known Member
also if your gonna repot your plants at 3ft pot them at a angle so 3 ft becomes 1.5 ft so they can grow..


Well-Known Member
if 7ft is your max either flower at 2 ft or do as above and repot at an angle to maximize room.. i would post pics of mine but they have my face and i cant edit it out wit out deletin plant


Well-Known Member
if 7ft is your max either flower at 2 ft or do as above and repot at an angle to maximize room.. i would post pics of mine but they have my face and i cant edit it out wit out deletin plant

7 ft is my length..i havent measured the height yet..i will let u know


Well-Known Member
im back.. The height of my room is 7ft and 9 1/2 inches. The width is 5 ft 9 inches, and the length is 8 ft 9 inches. and im trying to grow 6- 6 footers in 5 gallon buckets? about rite? or do i need more space?
hey- my friend grows northern light plants, and gets anywhere from a half of a lbs, to a whole lbs from them using 5 gallon buckets. do not worry about it, just dont vegg them above 5 feet in the buckets, most root growth occurs durring vegg, meaning, if your not root bound by the time u flower, u wont be. he has had some get root bound, but only when he vegges them to 6 and 8 feet, trying to get a 12-14 foot plant, but, flower at 5 feet, you willl get an eight footer, and probably 3/4 of a lbs, transplanting is too risky after 3feet, he also made a "sandbox, about 3 foot wide and 10 feet long, about 1 foot deep, and he drill 1.5 inch wholes in each pail, at the bottom, maybe 9 holes in each pale, he then burries them half way in the "sand box" he made, sometimes, the larger plants, will actuaally root thru the wholes and grow thru the homeade sand box, consider drilling your holes carefull before their 4 foot tall, you should have an awsome grow, he says if you have sativa, a good strain, and u do this, u can get 5 lbs of 7 plants, everytime. good luck:-)


Well-Known Member
For maximum yield, I use a 3 top technique. Take any upward growing shoot (I do this on the main cola and all others). Pinch 1/3 to half of it off. This causes the 2 shoots below to grow. The damaged node will recover in a few days to a week. It takes practice, but I will often wind up with 3 shoots of equal size in a week. Then do it again until you achieve a full canopy proportionate to your light source.

2000w is not overkill if you use it correctly. A higher temp of 80-90 is recommended depending on the strain u grow. More light needs higher temp to abosrb in my experience.

Room size is good.

I use 21 gallon buckets with soil. My experience: bigger the root ball, the bigger the yield. I wanted 12-15 gal buckets, I got a deal on 21 gal. After the initial investment of extra dirt, I am glad I went with the bigger size. roots are amazing and the root ball, is well about 21 gallons. it filled up the bucket with roots in about 3 weeks.

1lb per plant is very doable. If you grow to 3 feet with topped or lst plants, they grow to 6, you can easily get 1pp. I have done it many times. your 2000w light is the best help u have in attaining your goal.


Active Member
Wow I know this is a really old thread but I'm just sitting here laughing aTo myself at some of these comments people say an 80 to 90 degrees helps plant growth!? And then this guy is asking all these questions about trying to get 6 pounds out of fucking 2000 watts are you crazy!? And it sounds like you've never grOwN Anything before. talking 6Lbs And You havn't even measured the height o Your grow room I don't know its just pretty funny all these people are reading seed description: saying "you can get hundred pounds from our seeds" . I'll tell you experience is worth more than anything fuck wit all these things you're reading you're not going to get 6 pounds of a 20oo watts in a 10 by 10 room .... I would definitely pack things in close and leave a walk way around the room I rock 2k In 4X8ft Tent. don't let these people gas you up and make you think you're going to reach unattainable goals experience try this shit out for yourself because such things as 90 degree temperature will get you nowhere near what you want and your product will look like Whispy leafy Fluff Balls. you really need to think about 4 To 8 plants under 2000 watt but more importantly dialing in your micro climate humidity temperature ventilation air movement co2 these are the things that are going to get you higher yield