2000w Purple Kush/Mystery Beans-RND3

awww man that is so effed up to take someones ladies. it just makes me want to go get my M16A2 service rifle and sit on a grassy knoll. go all marine on there ass. shitty people. Anyway i hope your buddy knows a lot of people who are willing to give him some bud for free. if i knew him i would give him a nice nug or two.
treat it like money like something of equal value of more value than it is understand that there are soooo many people who smokme weed and majority of criminals do they want you shit everyone wants your shit its a big target and you never know who is taking aim alot set ups happen too you tell someone who tells someone who does the actual break in and all the orginal "friend" gets is a cut and its still worth it to em to do that to you man this world is a grimmy place its not all candy and sunshine we fall into complaicancy because of our way of thinking ( peace love helping being nice to one another sharing info bud clones seeds we share we care ) but there are strait up wolfs out there just looking for the weak sheep DONT BE THAT SHEEP anyone can be got know that i wish i could tell u guys some shit but basically the biggest ones fall the hardest its always the ones that think they cant be jacked who get took for the most anyone can be took know that your grow has a target on it the cops and the robbers both want your shit DONT LET EM GET IT DONT TAKE A RISK ITS NOT WORTH IT TELL NO ONE SHOW NO ONE SELL NOTHING NEVER ANSWER YOU DOOR FOR COPS AND DONT TALK TO EM IF THEY HAVE A WARRANT THERE COMING IN IF NOT THELL GO AWAY be safe all my peeps its fucked up this happen to dude but learn from it dont just sympathize

Advice to live by man. Yea and like I said, I don't feel all warm and fuzzy about the security measures I take. The best measure I take is that no one knows what I do. It has me a little sketched on going outdoors now.
awww man that is so effed up to take someones ladies. it just makes me want to go get my M16A2 service rifle and sit on a grassy knoll. go all marine on there ass. shitty people. Anyway i hope your buddy knows a lot of people who are willing to give him some bud for free. if i knew him i would give him a nice nug or two.

I feel the same way. He will be hooked up though, but there is always something special about the ladies you grow yourself. I have heard this will be the worst year for jackers yet. Supposedly, there are swarms of people that will be making their way to Nor Cal in the fall just to go hunting for gardens. It is so fucked up, but a good reminder.

damn raider missed that grow, but it looked like it went well, sorry to hear about your buddy

It went well, still not happy with my yeild, but that should change when I get some co2 pumping. It looks like I will be around 32 oz. The pk was less than I expected, but some killer smoke already.
yeah bro some jackers got persol choppers spot your shit land and out or spot it and hike in later shit is fucked its a dirty game a dirty game
You don't know me as I'm fairly new on the boards but a long time lurker.
I agree with the statements regarding the thief of a person personal stuff. But if you don't tell ain't nobody gonna know. I'd have to say he's not a good judge of character and in my personal world I'd have to back off.
In my life and times it's the person with low self worth or a starving ego that's gotta show off his shit. " Hey Hey look at me man I'm top drawer!" Those are the ones I put on my "to watch" list. He said he had an idea of who it might be.. So does that mean he's told a bunch and he's made his best guess?
I could be wrong on all points and I've been known to be and if I am lets hope he learns a very valuable lesson.
tsup raider, i was jus givin 5 fem purple kush seeds to do journal on, finally in seed form.hope they look like yures.rite now gotta room full of godbud and mango.rdr.
loose lips sink ships period dot end of it you cant do it you just cant its fucked up you wanna tell people you wanna show em BUT YOU CANT dont trust no one anyone its it how it is and even if you have a dog and cameras and all that shit its dont matter i used to be in game and it was known to me whenever i set up shop in new area someone would try to rob me everytime someone tries its the way the world works when u have shit people want someones gonna try to just take it !! so if your growing you can avoid all this by not letting anyone know what you have neither telling anyone OR SELLING SHIT and even then you can still be found out dont put your shit outside you main house is another rule of sorts he broke when its not near a main house ie in a shed etc its easier to get to feels less personal for the person robbing u less risk and just plain easier treat it like money like something of equal value of more value than it is understand that there are soooo many people who smokme weed and majority of criminals do they want you shit everyone wants your shit its a big target and you never know who is taking aim alot set ups happen too you tell someone who tells someone who does the actual break in and all the orginal "friend" gets is a cut and its still worth it to em to do that to you man this world is a grimmy place its not all candy and sunshine we fall into complaicancy because of our way of thinking ( peace love helping being nice to one another sharing info bud clones seeds we share we care ) but there are strait up wolfs out there just looking for the weak sheep DONT BE THAT SHEEP anyone can be got know that i wish i could tell u guys some shit but basically the biggest ones fall the hardest its always the ones that think they cant be jacked who get took for the most anyone can be took know that your grow has a target on it the cops and the robbers both want your shit DONT LET EM GET IT DONT TAKE A RISK ITS NOT WORTH IT TELL NO ONE SHOW NO ONE SELL NOTHING NEVER ANSWER YOU DOOR FOR COPS AND DONT TALK TO EM IF THEY HAVE A WARRANT THERE COMING IN IF NOT THELL GO AWAY be safe all my peeps its fucked up this happen to dude but learn from it dont just sympathize


Unfortunately thats the way of the walk. If you're going to show people what you have, you better be ready to lose it.
Showing someone a room full of live pot and expecting to keep it is about like showing them all your bank account or credit card info and then being surprised when you get charged for shit you didn't buy.
time to sever ties unless you can see through lies.

your in a funny predicament yourself now, as you are obviously closely associated with this person... be careful of those around you, as it may be some one you both know mutually. This sounds like it was planned very well, and that they knew more than they should have known (Inside job written all over it based on your description). Protect yourself first is all I can say. Keep your own rears, and take extra precautions, precautions no one but YOU know about. Have your friends watch your friends, always, and without excuse or reason (don't tell them what or why, just ask clever questions ;) ). Regardless of what you think they know or don't know. Assume they do know, and act like they don't.

This is terrible news. I don't want to see it become worse news. Especially not for you. Better safer than sorry ;).
Damn, I just found out my buddy got robbed. His plants were at 6 1/2 weeks into flower and he had an emergency and had to go to the hospital. Sent his gf to water them tonight and they were cut at the soil, just empty pots. So fucked up. Anyway, he asked me to check his room out since he is in the hospital to make sure the lights were still there and shit and it looks like they were just cut hours ago. There were globs of water on the stems where they were cut. They cut both his master locks with bolt cutters. I am just so bumbed for him, that was his meds for the summer. Fuckin jackers, can't just grow their own, they have to steal someone elses hard work.

fuuuuuk sounds like the same incident my buddy had but at gunpoint invasion. tired of hearing about lazyass people taking away sumone elses hard earned possessions of any type. sorry to hear tho man raider thats rough shit. like TLD said keep urself on lockdown and lowkey. its hard as is but def worth it cuz shit can go down quick.

glad to see sum purpleassnugs tho 8) congrats
would like to see some eye candy.my purple kush fems are 7 days in ,very purply seedling,ordered another 10 pac and a 30 pac of reg purps and a pac of dj shorts grape krush.crossing a real grapey purply male GK to cross with the purple kush girl.trying to get another pac of double purple doja but hard to find the breeder,;lol.rdr.
What up raiderfan. It's been a while since I stopped by. Nice looking nugs... you like the Mango smoke? I never had any before. Bummer about your bro... makes me feel glad as fuck I don't have any friends, lol. Guess it pays to be a hermit sometimes. How bout Jamarcus Russell getting cut? Sucks to waste a 1st overall like that (or was he just first round). It's almost like Ryan leaf all over again. I'd say this only happens in cali, but remember Akili smith and the bengals... he sucked too, haha.

Hope life has been treating the house of RF420 well. (as well as the rest of you)
would like to see some eye candy.my purple kush fems are 7 days in ,very purply seedling,ordered another 10 pac and a 30 pac of reg purps and a pac of dj shorts grape krush.crossing a real grapey purply male GK to cross with the purple kush girl.trying to get another pac of double purple doja but hard to find the breeder,;lol.rdr.
damn thats alot of purp are you black lol? lemme guess your fav soda grape and fav kool aid is red lmfao i just joshin niggas do love grape thou
black as a blue steel 45,lol.jus kiddin,all my patients love those and are prob some of the strongest.highly recommended.i dont drink sodas.sorry.some i been groin 10 yrs or longer.i really enjoy it more after a couple hours in the gym.rdr.
damn thats alot of purp are you black lol? lemme guess your fav soda grape and fav kool aid is red lmfao i just joshin niggas do love grape thou
Ill tell you what....Black, White, mex, or chinese, those good purps are hard to beat. From the incredible high to the beautiful look they are some awsome buds!
I think I am just about over this site. I just posted a fuckin long as reply and when I tried to post it said I wasn't signed in. So fuckin irritating!!!:wall::wall::wall::wall:

Anyway, I have been on a golfing trip for the last week. I will retype a condensed version.
5-14 038.jpg
5-14 041.jpg
5-14 043.jpg
yeah bro some jackers got persol choppers spot your shit land and out or spot it and hike in later shit is fucked its a dirty game a dirty game

Crazy shit
You don't know me as I'm fairly new on the boards but a long time lurker.
I agree with the statements regarding the thief of a person personal stuff. But if you don't tell ain't nobody gonna know. I'd have to say he's not a good judge of character and in my personal world I'd have to back off.
In my life and times it's the person with low self worth or a starving ego that's gotta show off his shit. " Hey Hey look at me man I'm top drawer!" Those are the ones I put on my "to watch" list. He said he had an idea of who it might be.. So does that mean he's told a bunch and he's made his best guess?
I could be wrong on all points and I've been known to be and if I am lets hope he learns a very valuable lesson.
I totally agree and I am sure he showed off to too many people. In my opinion, one is too many.
tsup raider, i was jus givin 5 fem purple kush seeds to do journal on, finally in seed form.hope they look like yures.rite now gotta room full of godbud and mango.rdr.
Nice, you will love the mango if you like a couch lock bud :sleep:


Unfortunately thats the way of the walk. If you're going to show people what you have, you better be ready to lose it.
Showing someone a room full of live pot and expecting to keep it is about like showing them all your bank account or credit card info and then being surprised when you get charged for shit you didn't buy.
Agreed, who would you show where you hide thousands in cash?:roll: My bet is nobody.

time to sever ties unless you can see through lies.

your in a funny predicament yourself now, as you are obviously closely associated with this person... be careful of those around you, as it may be some one you both know mutually. This sounds like it was planned very well, and that they knew more than they should have known (Inside job written all over it based on your description). Protect yourself first is all I can say. Keep your own rears, and take extra precautions, precautions no one but YOU know about. Have your friends watch your friends, always, and without excuse or reason (don't tell them what or why, just ask clever questions ;) ). Regardless of what you think they know or don't know. Assume they do know, and act like they don't.

This is terrible news. I don't want to see it become worse news. Especially not for you. Better safer than sorry ;).
Thank you my friend for the concern, i am taking extra precautions for sure. I have never felt comfortable or complacent and am even less of both now. :neutral:

aye raider swing throu the journal when you get chance things looking nice

I will check it out
fuuuuuk sounds like the same incident my buddy had but at gunpoint invasion. tired of hearing about lazyass people taking away sumone elses hard earned possessions of any type. sorry to hear tho man raider thats rough shit. like TLD said keep urself on lockdown and lowkey. its hard as is but def worth it cuz shit can go down quick.

glad to see sum purpleassnugs tho 8) congrats
I actually thought of what happened to you when I heard about it. It is so fucked up. Thanks for the advice and I will.

can we get back to the growing where the updates
patience lol

would like to see some eye candy.my purple kush fems are 7 days in ,very purply seedling,ordered another 10 pac and a 30 pac of reg purps and a pac of dj shorts grape krush.crossing a real grapey purply male GK to cross with the purple kush girl.trying to get another pac of double purple doja but hard to find the breeder,;lol.rdr.
just look up lol, sounds like you are gonna have a great line up man
What up raiderfan. It's been a while since I stopped by. Nice looking nugs... you like the Mango smoke? I never had any before. Bummer about your bro... makes me feel glad as fuck I don't have any friends, lol. Guess it pays to be a hermit sometimes. How bout Jamarcus Russell getting cut? Sucks to waste a 1st overall like that (or was he just first round). It's almost like Ryan leaf all over again. I'd say this only happens in cali, but remember Akili smith and the bengals... he sucked too, haha.

Hope life has been treating the house of RF420 well. (as well as the rest of you)
Hey there jig, thanks for stopping by. I am so stoked that we finally cut Russell. Now we have two other former first rounders in Jason Cambell( former Redskin 1st rounder) and Kyle Boller ( Blatimore 1st rounder). I really would have liked to see what Gradkowski can do, but he is injured now.

damn thats alot of purp are you black lol? lemme guess your fav soda grape and fav kool aid is red lmfao i just joshin niggas do love grape thou
Hey bro, do me a fav and please respect people in my thread. I am sure you are just kidding around, but that is a little sketch to me man. Thanks:mrgreen:

black as a blue steel 45,lol.jus kiddin,all my patients love those and are prob some of the strongest.highly recommended.i dont drink sodas.sorry.some i been groin 10 yrs or longer.i really enjoy it more after a couple hours in the gym.rdr.
Actually Arnold ( the govenor lol ) used to smoke after lifting
Ill tell you what....Black, White, mex, or chinese, those good purps are hard to beat. From the incredible high to the beautiful look they are some awsome buds!

calm down all, Raider is out for a few days, nothing to worry about. he will be back shortly.
Hey Bender buddy, hope all is well in Bender land.
Wonderful pictures man. You are truly one of my favorite growers.

Hope you had fun golfing. I wish I could afford to go.

So are you going to run yellow bottles next round.