2000w room size? Help please


I am going to build a flower room to fit 2k worth of lights, a 1k, a 600 and a 400, I will not be using any cool tubes.

It will be 2 vertical scrog setups. One will use the 1k light in the center with a circle of green around it, and the other a 600 hps, and a 400 mh. I measured one of these scrog circles, and it's under/about 4 feet in diameter.

I was thinking of making the room 5x8x5'8. I will need to get in there to water and care. Right now I'm using soil.

This is rather a crude outline of what I have in mind.

Here are a couple of threads with similar setups of what I have in mind.

I will be using a fan in each circle to cool the lights, and 1 or 2 oscillating fans. As there will be no cool tubes, how strong of exhaust fan will I need? I will probably have passive intake from ambient basement air.

I hope to start construction soon, thanks to all for reading!


Well-Known Member
I'm pretty sure that the optimum amount of light is something like 63 watts per sqft.
So... 2000/63 ~ 32, meaning a 4x8x8 will be perfect.
I currently have a 2k watt set up, but my diy grow box was only 6 feet long, so I'm running it in a 4x6, it's still working nicely, but I could have had more plants/plant area with no loss in yield.
I use a 6" inline fan to air cool my lights, and it works very well. I'm not quite sure what the cfm rating is, but I know that's the most important aspect... I'm assuming the higher the better, but I'm not exactly sure. Your local hydro shop guy should be able to help you out on that one.


I'm pretty sure that the optimum amount of light is something like 63 watts per sqft.
So... 2000/63 ~ 32, meaning a 4x8x8 will be perfect.
Hmm, I'm not quite sure that this kind of calculation applies to a vertical grow. The amount of space my light will be covering is more like the following.
1000w - 20 inch diameter x 3.14 x 3.5 foot (height) = 219 sq feet
600w + 400w - 19 inch d x 3.14 x 4 = 238

So in total, with a vertical scrog I will have about 450. Damn, is this calculation right? That's a seriously larger amount of space when comparing it to a traditional grow with a reflector in a 5x8 room.