2008-10-19 . . . . Day 01 . . . . bagseed


High downthedrains. I have the four CFLs at 18 hours on - 6 hours off. There's a couple clones in their with them.

So did you get a new job too ?

I've got my two 65watt cfl's at 20on 4off.

same shitty job
I get no hours either :/
But I'm looking and I've got a job coming up in less than a month hopefully at a nice place. Still not many hours though...
well tommrow would be the 5th day for the 10 seeds batch i planted and 3rd for the 5 seed batch so wish me luck for tommorow!!

Hi T@ll T33, welcome to my journal.

Yea that's my germination method. I just got three more getting ready today.

I use 2" pots.
Sunshine #4 mixed with some perlite, around 15% content
pack the medium in the little pots tightly
put the pots in a tray with a ½" lip
fill tray with water that has set for 24 hours
no nutes
place tray with the three pots on top shelf in veg area.
temps are high 82, low 78, they need a warm area :-)
let sit for a day

. . . . so tomorrow I'll poke a hole about a ½" down. I use a chopstick. Drop the seeds in, I've never handled them. I pour a few seds out on a piece of paper with a slight crease in it. Then I just shake the paper gently so a seed drops in the hole. Cover the hole up.

Usually three two five days the seedling pokes through and starts everything :hump:


thanks yellow snakes

tricks and tips to my cfl link dont have pics yet but soon



T@ll T33
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DAY 17
2008-11-05 . . . . Wednesday

4 seeds of bagseed from Windsor, Ontario (outdoor genetics)
3 plants left, I killed one

Plants aren't shooting up as much now
keeping them much closer to the lights
they're starting to spread out a bit.

plant 1 - 4½"
plant 2 - 3½"
plant 3 - 2½"

- indoor - 4' x 3'
3 - 3½" pots
90% Sunshine Grow Mix #4, 10% perlite
4 25w Compact Fluorescent Light Bulbs
ENERGY STAR CFLs for 18on/6off
Temp 70°F to 75°F, humidity 14%
using tap water that has sit for 24 hours
no nutrients

some top views to see how the leaf structure is devaloping

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DAY 17
2008-11-05 . . . . Wednesday

4 seeds of bagseed from Windsor, Ontario (outdoor genetics)
3 plants left, I killed one

continue with more top views


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Here's a couple side veiws, you can see the height.
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ttyl bongsmilie
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Looking nice...Mine are just a bit bigger...but it's almost the same stage just ummm
longer sativa leaves...thats it I think

My plants are all back to healthy now that I ditched the foil...and the nutes i added boosted a bit of growth :) no burn :)
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DAY 29
2008-11-17 . . . . Monday

4 seeds of bagseed from Windsor, Ontario (outdoor genetics)
3 plants left

plant 1 - 7½"
plant 2 - 4½"
plant 3 - 4

- indoor - 4' x 3'
3 - 3½" pots
90% Sunshine Grow Mix #4, 10% perlite
4 25w Compact Fluorescent Light Bulbs
ENERGY STAR CFLs for 18on/6off
Temp 70°F to 75°F, humidity 18%
using tap water that has sit for 24 hours
no nutrients

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Thanks downthedrains

Your power Skunk looks awesome.

The bagseed will surely like their new home after the transplant

Thanks for stopping by.


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DAY 122
2009-02-19 . . . . Thursday

4 seeds of bagseed from Windsor, Ontario (outdoor genetics)
3 plants left

Haven't posted in a couple months. Back at it but will be less often, just too busy at work.

No camera for awhile too. Have to get a new one.

Have to pull all my plants now. Landlord coming over to re-new lease and wants to inspect house.

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