2008/Big Bud & Unknown Indica


Active Member
Here are the first pics. I am using a reflecter with 6 42 watt cfls to veg my girls in. The ladies are clones from a Big Bud mother and an unknown dominantly indica mother. I am using fox farm grow big for my nutes. The clones were rooted under a dome and placed in tub on 5/17/08. I have a few Big bud ladies in the flowering chamber as well however they with the exception of one are in soil. i have one in a bucket system dwc this was my first experiment with hydro. i'll put some picks of her up later. Shes lookin great. ill have updates about every week. Ill post more pics of the plants as I get them. Im going to eventually try to get a sog system going with the dwc systems.



Active Member
Ok so its the end of week two. So far im pretty impressed with the results of my first hydroponic grow. The one big bud girl ive got flowering in the bucket dwc is looking great. I just trimmed her back a little today cutting a lot of the under growth. Everything in the veg chamber is looking good phs have remained consistantly around 6 for the most part. i believe this is about right. (LET ME KNOW IF IM WRONG PLEASE) over the past 2 weeks. Of the 7 ladies left in the bubble ponics type unit ive picked out two for my mothers. I will get the individual buckets for them next week. i figure i can have my sog goiing in about 4 or 5 weeks, or right about time im harvesting my last soil containers and my lonely big bug girl in the bucket.

Well, thats just about it for tonight. any questions let me know. any advice is appreciated.



Active Member
Well, I had some problems this week with what is believed to be root rot. I've been trying to fix this problem with some help from the plant problems forum. Changed up the set up a bit. going to a smaller res. to make changes easier. I added larger air stones for more oxygen. But the girls are looking good right now. I have to wait to see if I added to much h2o2 to the water yesterday. Only time will tell. Ill have more picks posted later tonight when the light goes on.
the first pick are the infected roots before the res change and the h2o2 was added the last ones are of the roots a few hours after. black bucket will be my future mother if all goes well. ok my batteries died. ill put them all up later. cheers