2009 grows, new methods, techniques and strains. every thing outdoors


Well-Known Member
Say you plant White Widow in the middle of the east coast late, around june 15th, while the plants are about 6 inchs-1 foot. How big do you suppose they would get? ..what kind of yeild? (given proper care)

kid cannabis

Well-Known Member
id say 3 feet if you top 4 if you just let em grow probably around 40-50 gs per plant. over an ounce if you just give it the basics. (light, water, and plain old MG)

kid cannabis

Well-Known Member
i mean thats really not bad if you have a lot of plants. theyll stay small and under the radar and with 20 plants youll pull atleast a pound. probably 2 lbs if you use advanced nutrients like bdw and vaporbros


Active Member
So, my first grow this summer and I'm thinking about germinating a couple and then planing them and for the rest start them off inside then transplant them. I live in northern vermont and the soil is a little cold. Do you think transplanting some of them is a bad idea because the shock will hurt them?

Gimme The Spliffff

Active Member
whats up guys this is a good thread... 1st grow will be soon I have some questions.. When do you start?

Whats a good out door seed? Also im going to be doing this in a " marsh " area where NO 1 will ever go!!! It took me and someone else some serious walking and its over grown where hikers etc etc will not go!!

Now it is surrounded with water its like a huge lake but with plants,trees all in it and I wanted to build like a " table " and have the pot sit down in the water 2 inces or so, so it gets water constaly??

if I plant in a month or month 1/2 thats too early right? Spring's almost here soo... Also this spot is well in and watering it all the time will be hard as shit any ideas if I cant keep the pot in the water 2inches...

If I go out and water do I use fox farm nuets? Any pointers? Thanks guys/girls!!


Active Member
hey man i grew in a swamp last year and i did the same exact thing had them up on dry land and watered them myself as far as leaving them in 2 in. of water im not to sure if that would work, depending on temps and plant size, pot size,etc.
what you might be able to tho is leave your plants on a blanket of rockwool or some other organic matter like moss or grass and have that sitting in the water constantly soaking up water but this is just theory i have never done this but you could build off it fo shure.
As far as starting outside depends on what you wanna do just put the seed in the ground around begining of june ( varies w/ location ), i start mine inside around early may then condition them for the outside and around june 10th there out for the season.
And strain wise just look up all outdoor strains from your provider and pick the one you like the best but keep in mind your region and your flowering time.
And nutes i'am just learning myself this year i always just used ak petes and miracle-gro ( i know someone yell at me )


Well-Known Member
i just woke up from a dream that i went to my spot and someone had already been there and camped out with a tent. I was so sad when i woke up :(


Well-Known Member
whats up guys this is a good thread... 1st grow will be soon I have some questions.. When do you start?

Whats a good out door seed? Also im going to be doing this in a " marsh " area where NO 1 will ever go!!! It took me and someone else some serious walking and its over grown where hikers etc etc will not go!!

Now it is surrounded with water its like a huge lake but with plants,trees all in it and I wanted to build like a " table " and have the pot sit down in the water 2 inces or so, so it gets water constaly??

if I plant in a month or month 1/2 thats too early right? Spring's almost here soo... Also this spot is well in and watering it all the time will be hard as shit any ideas if I cant keep the pot in the water 2inches...

If I go out and water do I use fox farm nuets? Any pointers? Thanks guys/girls!!
Definitly a cool idea but I don't think it would work because you can't regulate that water. There can be plenty of bad things in that water that may harm your plant. Not to mention your not able to regulate the pH.

I've read people suggesting advanced nutrients on here and I just wanted to say please don't waste your money on them. Don't get me wrong, they have great products, but they are WAYYYY over priced. Some nutrient lines others suggest are Peters, FoxFarm, Earth Juice, metanaturals, and Age Old. Go organic!


Well-Known Member
I'm not downing them at all. Everyone thats used them has had great results in return. All I'm saying is that you can get just as good as a harvest with other nutes that don't put a dent in your wallet.


Well-Known Member
yeah, they are stupid expensive. I honestly think that Sensi two-part's are the same thing as Connoisseur two-parts. Its just a scam.


Well-Known Member
I was thinking about buying the advanced nutrients heavy harvest for the fact that i dont have to mix in with the water everytime. Is there any other nutes that u only put on every so often like the heavy harvest? Deff interested if there is considering i really dont want to spend a arm and a leg for nutes.. lol.


Well-Known Member
Most nutes you don't put in the water everytime because it would fry your plants unless they need it. I'm suggesting organic nutes because thats all I read about or use and others have suggest Age Old Organics, Humboldt Nutrients, and Fox Farms. I used Pure Vida Organics last round and I'm not too impressed.


Well-Known Member
You can still burn plants with organic nutes though. I havent seen any other brand come out with anything like Heavy Harvest. Like i said before. Its expensive but it will last you many many many harvests. It pays for its self in the end


Active Member
i got a couple plants abt 4 inch's under florescent's look to be a indica with its fat leaves already starting young.
anyways i am about a week or less from putting them outside and i'm going to do some low stress training on
these plans i have never tried it before and any suggestions would be helpful.

-attachment........ http://www.indoormarijuanaseeds.com/advanced-indoor-cannabis-growing-techniqes/low-stress-training-lst-growing-marijuana.html

think i might try this looks like a great way to keep plants low outdoors. might even bury the pot about half way?


Well-Known Member
If you can I would put the plant in the ground. That way your roots can grow deep and your not limited to how wide out you can bend your plant. Hell, you can just bend it in a straight line if you want. Just make sure the top of the plant is bent below the lowest node to assure the auxins flow to the lower branches.