200oz ??? how ???


Active Member
hi guys lets say somebody wants to get a average of 200oz each crop indoor what would be recomended ?
surface ?
how many lamps ? ex : 10 x 400wtts or 4x1000wtts
how many extractors ?
best strains ?
how many plants ?
how many crops can u get in 12 months ?
any realistic help would be appreciated would like to analize different types of setups and budgets
thx guys


Active Member
Haha sorry mate. Stoned.. I dont know the answer but am def subbed to find out. There are alot of clever people on this site, the answers wont take long... Happy farming...


All I can answer is the best strains which will be headbands. Very very stoney and yield ALOT. Its an indica and produces fat heavy buds. It's my #1 favorite strain.


Active Member
dont wanna start nothing just wanna check for cost, roi, profits etc to c how easy or hard it is to make decent set up for decent profits
from there how many setups would be needed for a country like england
then id like to demonstrate that most of the english weed ISN'T grown by criminal organisations but local dudes going from hobby growers to professional growing a few pounds
+ to c how much it will cost to setup run a medicinal dispensary for ms cancer hiv patient


Active Member
8 - 10 x 600 watt philips greenpower hps lamps covering 20 square feet each lamp, a lot of extraction , and a prayer no one opens their mouth.


Well-Known Member
hi guys lets say somebody wants to get a average of 200oz each crop indoor what would be recomended ?
first thing to do is quit your day job this is going to be alot of work

surface ?
you ideally want two rooms one veg/clone say 10x10 then, a flower room bare minimum or 20x20 but 30x30 would be much better

you can figure 1 lb per 1000w light so 12 lamps plus you'll need AC and fans ect. you'll needa dedicated 150-200 amp service to run a opp like this

how many lamps ? ex : 10 x 400wtts or 4x1000wtts
12 -1000 for flower and 4-1000 for veg

how many extractors ?
I'd do one room exhaust at least a 10" if not 14. then aircool all lights with no more that 3 lights per leg of venting

best strains ?
what ever you can sell mix it up do 3or 4 strains

how many plants ?
between 6-9 per light detending on how long you veg for, I'd veg 3 weeks from clone then flip

how many crops can u get in 12 months ?
by the math you can get 6 cycles 8 weeks each flower but dont count on it 4 is more like it

any realistic help would be appreciated would like to analize different types of setups and budgets
thx guys
good luck, have you ever tried anything near this size?


Active Member
good luck, have you ever tried anything near this size?
thx for the reply
to reply to ur questions i wudnt tell u yes if i did and if i was a lil punk i wud say yes to show of so really there is no way to know is it
but if u had or cud how would u do it based on limited budget or unlimited budget
let me know


Active Member
read my whole post i awnsered every question in your quote
not really coz i have my own idea maybe i did it already maybe i will do it maybe im just trying to demonstrate something
so what would u do doesnt matter about what i do rite now the point is having a debate about it
but thx anyway


Active Member
u got a nice setip mate
u in detroit ?
i belive with property for sale at 2-3000 dollars over there soon loads of em will be full of weed if its not the case already
by the way i dont need to be spoonfed if that was the idea behind the pic