200W CFL Tangerine Dream Grow


I am using Fox Farm Light Warrior at the moment and I am using distilled H2O. Starting to introduce Fox Farm Big Bloom nutrients once a week. I noticed recently that the plants starting taking a terrible turn! I am averaging 75-80 degrees in the room and around 40% humidity.

I started with the light about 5 inches from the plant and it really seemed to be torching the leaves so I raised the lamp to about 18 inches and they started to look better but then just recently took a turn.

Thinking I might need to transplant soon but not sure if that is the problem.View attachment 1503656View attachment 1503657View attachment 1503658View attachment 1503659View attachment 1503660View attachment 1503661View attachment 1503662View attachment 1503663

Watering about every other day right now. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!


Well-Known Member
nice man
do you have any wind blowing between your lights and the top of the plants ?

also this is a good way to tell when to water
stick your finger into the soil up to the first knuckle, if
its still moist you dont need to water let it dry out some more.

I wouldnt attempt to transplant until the stem gets alittle stronger
and when you do transplant let your soil dry out it will make it alot easier

IS this your first grow ??


Thanks Kush. I do have a fan running in the room right between the light and plants. This is my third CFL grow but the first time using a bulb this large. I have used T-8's before and then smaller 42W with clamp lamps. I looked at a couple of other 200w and 250w grows and it seems people are putting the light pretty close to the plant. I tried to put the light back down close to the plants last night, it was about 8 inches away and they really looked bad when I got home today.

I raised the light back up and watered so maybe I will let them be and let them dry out really good and see what happens.

Thanks for the info though.


Well-Known Member
yeah thats probably your best bet because seedlings that age dont usually need much attention .. maybe use some smaller 23 watters until your plants get some more healthy fan leaves then use the 200W

and no problem im here to help where i can


So when I move the light that close it seems to burn the plant. I haven't left it for more than a day so not sure if it will turn around but whenever it gets moved close the little ladies seem to start curling up. I am going to lower the light to 5 inches and just leave it. I will post pics later today.


I am going to trim all the really dry, dead leaves off the plant too. Definitely looks like the light was probably too high at first and they are all stretched out. Thinking I may have to start over.


Active Member
Veg with some smaller 23w 6500k bulbs nice and close add more light as they get stronger and bigger. Then use ur big light when ur gonna flower. Thats what ive done in the past with cfls.


I think I have located the problem. I bought a Ph tester for my water and found out it is at about 8. I also bought a meter to check the soil and I am at like 7.5 there. I have lowered the Ph in my water source and I am going to see if that helps bring these girls back. I will post some pics when I see some changes.


:leaf: Nice setup Oregreen. Light Warrior burns plants. I started mine in Happy Frog and transplanted them to Ocean Forrest. I haven't used heavy base nutrients yet and I'm heading into my 4th week of flower and they are green as can be. I started with a little Big Bloom and Beastie Bloomz in week 2 of flowering, and I'll be switching out Beastie Bloomz for Cha Ching my next nute. I Ph'd my water to 6.2 to help root growth, then in flower I upped the PH to 6.4. I'm using 2 of those 200w bulbs, they work well. You should set up an exhaust and intake for your closet, makes a huge difference. And KushXOJ is right on the money on how to tell when it's time to water.