200w Vero29 C.


Well-Known Member
Hi all. I'm not sure if I've already made a post here about these cobs. I couldn't find any...

Anyway. I've bought two Vero 29's from cutter. And have them paired with an IP67 rated, "Erao- power led driver" with 10v dimming. 20170531_144219.jpg

First question is: when testing out the unit. I've noticed the first third of the dimmers range of motion seems to pulse the light. Kinda makes me feel sick to look at. The second third seems to do the most as far as dimming goes. And the final third does seemingly nothing for the output. Is any of that normal? Should it have such a limited range of dimming?

The next question is: is it normal for my actual cobs to have a slight curve in them when secured. The screws aren't all that tight. But if they're any looser. They don't feel like they're properly secured. I've got them sitting on thermal pads. On 14cm passive pinsinks. 20170531_122605.jpg

My final question (for now) is: how do you get the wires back out, easily? I don't have any tools that fit in that top opening.

I'm also trying to figure out the best layout with my driver and lights for coverage vs size. But, I'll get to that one once I've figured the other shite out- with you guys help that is.

This pic is to show I've got them going. Just that they're jerry rigged up atm. They're sitting on mini grow cab.
Looks like you only have 2 screws in the cob holder instead of 4 which would evenly secure the cob....reducing the flexing you see. My vero 29's have the contacts next to each other,unlike your picture showing them on opposite ends. As for the driver, I have no experience with that brand.
Thank you for the input. I can't seem to find how else to attach these though. As the holes they match with. Seem to be the only ones. Also the cobs haven't got 4 screw holes. So... I'm not sure how else to get them on there. Not unless I'm somehow doing it wrong.

I've also cracked out the voltmeter. And discovered my light has about 5v working range. It's flicker free once it hits129-130v. Then brightens right up with the extra 4v on top of that. Topping out at 134-135v of its 145Vdc. The lowest it goes is 125-126v. But from there to about 129v it has noticeable flicker.
Thank you Rahz. That's a relief. I don't exactly have the money to be replacing these right now. So I'd rather not kill them unintentionally.

Any idea why the dimmer makes the light flicker so much when below 129v? Besides it being a PWM dimmed version.

Surely the strobing effect isn't normal.

I did notice after a half hour run that the voltage dropped to 128.5v without flicker. Don't know if that means anything to you.
I can't answer your question except to say it's not normal. Someone else may have some ideas but I would recommend contacting the seller with your issue.
Thanks again Rahz. Even a little help is better than none at all. I'll get in contact with Mark and see what he says about it.
There was a batch of those drivers sold that had faulty dimming circuits... I know because I got one of them. With mine the dimming circuit didn't work at all, but maybe it's part of the same batch. Maybe you can get it replaced.
Ah really? That sucks to hear it could be the batch of drivers. I'm not sure he'll replace it now though. I've had it for about 2 months. But only recently tried to get it all going.
Can you measure the dc outpul voltage with and without load with a VA meter?
And what is when you remove the dimmer... is it working at full power?
If it provides full power without dimmer, you can assume that the dimmer ciruit is actually defective.

how thick are the thermal pads? I would rather use a good thermal grease instead of thermal pads because these pads are not as good as a good grease and a thinner layer leads to a smaller or no gaps.
Regular thermal pads. And the voltage goes from 126v up to 135v. Stable light output at 129.5v. With the next 5v showing the most output.

Haven't tried without load. But each cob uses about 65v. I'll test the system without dimmer tomorrow.
Tried the system without dimmer module in place. Full power of 135-136v. When the wires touch. That goes down to 125v. And the flicker starts again.