2010 aliens revieled . they are saying??


Active Member
I would stay away from sex with aliens anyways. I've always imagined they would have super strength. and im just worried i would end up being the one getting fucked over.


Well-Known Member
:D :hump: from some of the drawings people have made of them...some aliens are very humanoid in appearance, and way more attractive than we typically are haha. i'll second your idea! :mrgreen:
Tell me this thing dont look like it could give some good head.


Well-Known Member
wow, you all hear about aliens and your first thought is to have sex with them?

if aliens were to 'come out' then it probably would be like MIB. we would set up a gov agency to regulate them and controll imigration as well as studying alien tech
pfft fucking virgin.Its all good kal when I open my alien whore house I'll hook you up.


Well-Known Member
wow, you all hear about aliens and your first thought is to have sex with them?

if aliens were to 'come out' then it probably would be like MIB. we would set up a gov agency to regulate them and controll imigration as well as studying alien tech
HAHAHAHAHA! if i had been drinking coke, i would have shot it out of my nose when i read that! such a genius comment :bigjoint:

and yea...i've seen some drawings of hot looking alien men ;-) and i've read stories about humans having sex with men from other planets and it being far superior to any human :lol: so yea...my first thought is of sex lol


Well-Known Member
Well history allready tells the story of the giants that came down from the sky and mated with human women... its in the bible even.... not to mention the 6000 year old sumarian tablets.


Well-Known Member
Everyone is so optimistic about the positives if aliens showed up. I would assume if some superior being (technologically) showed up at our front door step it wouldn't be to mate with us and sit around the camp fire. It would probably be more along the lines of a slaughter of the human species if not indefinite slavery to our new overlords. They would look at us as primitive beings and either use us or dispose of us.


Well-Known Member
Hopefully it is for sex. It would totally suck to be a slave. I would fight them until they killed me. I would totally love to smoke with one too though. I assume they don't have pot on their home planet. Blaze 'em out, give 'em a clone of some killer shit, then send them on their way and wait to see what they come back with. That's my plan.


Well-Known Member
Knowing human luck, they'd probably go for cane spirits or something like that...


Well-Known Member
did you all know that the famous movie alien was based off of a vagina? i guess your not the first ones to equate aliens with sex....