2011 New England Adventures

I ve had the same happen, something dig around the soil, even had one plant pulled - I thought it was a human till I saw the digging. Answer: when digging hole, put native soil aside, place on top after you have filled your hole. Netting around the base helps too.

thats a great idea with the existing soil..however im sure the animals will stopp digging when they realize there is nothing to be had...more moth balls going down now!!!
partner issues arise again...this is a pain in my ass. anyway....noticed today that my plants were in some shade noon 30ish..from the looks of things they get an aftenoon break from noonish to 2ish..not total shade..but partial.

18 days in the ground now.
hey dog plants are looking good man, I'm a new england grower myself. how have the slugs been your way? just put in a qrazy train and cheesequake yesterday, and brought out a jack herer and kandy kush but have yet to put them in. Its been pretty wet weather so far up here
hey dog plants are looking good man, I'm a new england grower myself. how have the slugs been your way? just put in a qrazy train and cheesequake yesterday, and brought out a jack herer and kandy kush but have yet to put them in. Its been pretty wet weather so far up here

slugs dont worry me much..the plants are big enough to recover if they are attacked by slugs.
peoples thoughts on shade....

im thinking i need to trim up the overhead canopy a little..although i am worried about having dead trees lying around the patch. we get good morning and late afternoon sun..however there is a period of time when the plants are shaded pretty good during mid day. im not looking to go paul bunyan or anything, just thin it out. but im no tree hugger either so if they gotta go.....they gotta go.
some one come past my thread...its so dead over there as of late...............got some nice tall kush growin believe it or not....i mean tall kush treez...........
Just with yesterdays little afternoon sun and this morning my girls are perking right up. Looks like were gonna have some decent weather this week. We need it , Id like to see another 10-12" of growth over the next few weeks before they start flowering. Im going mark where my tops are because Im kinda curious how much verticle growth I get on a day to day basis. I swear Ive seen as much as 2"/day on sunny days after a good watering, not sure how much of that was growth or just the plant bending up to the sun.
Just with yesterdays little afternoon sun and this morning my girls are perking right up. Looks like were gonna have some decent weather this week. We need it , Id like to see another 10-12" of growth over the next few weeks before they start flowering. Im going mark where my tops are because Im kinda curious how much verticle growth I get on a day to day basis. I swear Ive seen as much as 2"/day on sunny days after a good watering, not sure how much of that was growth or just the plant bending up to the sun.

damn...i wish i could monitor mine like that. we have had no need to water..even after a 10-15 day heat wave where temps were in the 90's back about 2 weeks ago, the soil was still moist..for 2 reasons..the mid day shade for 2 hours, and the fact that we are very close to a rivers edge..if i have to water once this year ill be surprised. i do wish my soil would dry out a little though. glad i used a time release nute for veg. if i was having to add liquid or granular nutes i think i would be heading for problems with too much water...i dont know though...im trying to time it to just before wilt...but it rains every 15 days or so and the temps aint too hot either so...
Yea I like keeping my girls close. We live in a seculuded area so I got em right in the back yard. I was going to guerilla it but figure why have the headach and worry. A little camo duct tape on the buckets and I can stick em 20 feet into the woods if I have company and you cant even see em. When I first camo'd the buckets I put it in the woods in some ferns, turned and walked back to the house and turned around and lost the damn thing, didnt see it till I was about 3 feet from it and even then you had to be looking for it. Digital camo duct tape++++!!!