2012 outdoor grow (rd 3) by doowmd


Well-Known Member
Soon as everyone else in the house is good n asleep i'll be able to do my thing......shouldnt be long, but it takes like an hour and a half to upload a fuckin 2 min video.

It'll be on here shortly.


Well-Known Member
Ok, run into a prob about the vid......it's gone, I'll have to make another tomorrow and upload it then.

It was erased, supposedly by accident, but nevertheless it'll have to be put up tomorrow. Sorry for selling wolf tickets Fresno, but I'll have one up tomorrow sometime.


Well-Known Member
Ok, run into a prob about the vid......it's gone, I'll have to make another tomorrow and upload it then.

It was erased, supposedly by accident, but nevertheless it'll have to be put up tomorrow. Sorry for selling wolf tickets Fresno, but I'll have one up tomorrow sometime.
You're good bro.....shit happens....especially if you share the same computer lol. I will definitely be watching out for the vid tho.....and yeah I just made a thread about how long it takes me to upload a 5 min video on youtube......I think it took like 1 hour and 45 minutes or something outrageous like that....I had to keep turning off the screen saver so my computer didn't shut down.....I would have been PISSED


Well-Known Member
Ya I have def learned the hard way on some things too lol moving from Hawaii to California was funny cause the humidity was so different from the beach to the desert haha never wanted anyone to see the seedlings that dried out cause I did not give them enough water hahaha I felt like such a noob ;)
You're from Hawaii? I moved from the humid SE to Cali pre gardening years so it was just my skin that dried right up like a prune!


Well-Known Member
Decided to go ahead and pull the trigger and take what I could off the sdg before it was a complete waste. An ant colony had taken up residence underneath where the SDG sat and they weren't gentle on her root system. She had fallen over, I righted her, but the damage was already done and too much for her to recover from. Time of death approx 9:00 am cst :(

:wall: :spew: :sad:


The reason there were ants is because of the dry molasses I added to the nutes. I've had awesome results using it before, makes the buds super frosty, but this is the second year that a plant went down because of the molasses attracting ants. Needless to say I won't make this mistake a third time. I'd go into why I thought I could get away from it attracting ants this year, but in hindsight the reward did not outweigh the risk, no matter the preparation, so I shouldn't have used it, no matter the reason. I just hope and pray it doesn't happen to the 2 big girls.


Active Member
You're from Hawaii? I moved from the humid SE to Cali pre gardening years so it was just my skin that dried right up like a prune!
Especially summer. Man I just watered this morning and garden looks dry as a bone. After about 4-5 hours. Even our houseplants droop quicker in summer. I know its logic with the season, but watering can nearly be a part-time job this part of the year...Whew!!!!

By the way doowmd, Thanks for the post, I learn alot from all u guys! Peace and Nugs!


Well-Known Member
Hey bro.......If you set one of these near your plants if will get rid of the ants in 7-14 days.....no joke. I know this because I had ants allllll over my house......I couldn't even leave a glass of water on the counter.....I also was getting them in my soil in the beginning of the season.....then I read in a thread that this shit gets rid of ants fast......at first i was thinking "that's bullshit, my ants are Satan's spawn" lol. but i tried everything else so I said fuck it......I set six of them all around the perimeter of my house and garden's and within 8 days i saw ZERO ants.....only 1 random ant every now and then....which is normal anywhere. It is crazy bro....they are pretty cheap at walmart too.


Well-Known Member
plants looking good bro.....that one that lost so much foliage will pull through......the buds might not all that dense but they will be buds lol. Can't wait till we can start recording these babies with buds on em.....mmmmm bud porn lol. keep up the good work bro....and definitely check out those ant baits. peace


Well-Known Member
IDK bud, your not in the same area as me, so I'm not sure what all you could be dealing with. It doesn't look like ant damage, I've never seen an ant pile kill a plant suddenly like that. Out here, rats, or Voles(almost like a mouse) will chew the bark or skin off the stalks and that will kill em' quick, just like yours did. That's what it looks like to me, something chewd your stem till it cut off the life-line to the plant from the roots.