Ronald Ernest Paul FTW!
Mitt Romney, Rudy, Jeb BUSH, Sarah Palin HAH!
You can keep them all.
I'm sticking with the real deal.
Because I can say
I don't support drug prohabition,
I don't support policing the world,
I don't support the nanny state,
I don' support the bailouts
and I vote that way.
If I voted for anyone else I would be comprimising.
Because I voted for Bush once... Once.
Not because I liked him but because I hated Gore more.
By God I will never vote for the lesser evil again.
(BTW Badnarik L. in 2004)
As far a Ron Paul not being a viable canidate:
You want to know what makes him non-viable?
Radio talk show hosts and Sean Hannity.
They all ALL attacked him unmercifly.
Hannity to this day makes me ill.
At least Glenn Beck isn't openly hostile.
(I like the Glenn Beck show more when the Judge is on, personaly)