2012 T2's Guerilla Grow.


I wanted to start of by saying, This is a new account. My other one I disabled because Some people I know in real life friendship went south and I dont want to be able to be watched. Some of you most likely have seen me around.

Welcome all, I have a great year planned a head for my Guerilla garden. I would like to start off by saying this will be my last Guerilla grow. I have had 4 successful grows. I have bought a house and im currently in the moving process. :lol: I have honestly never started and budded out a single seeds. I have always got my hands onto some of my families clones. I have pretty much mastered cloning aswell, This is another story for another time. I have bought most autoflowers. I know I know. They stay short and can be concealed easier than most I believe. I have a line up that I would like to do some seed producing with to see what I can come up with, On my own. Kinda like a Mad Scientist. :). Any who ill be Breeding the Males and Females that appeal to me. Have Traits that I desire. I know its going to be kinda tricky with a Guerilla grow set up, but i have a plan :)- dont we all lol. Anyway bought about 50 five gallon grow bags. Ill simply carry the females im seed producing with to a different location and harvest the males pollen. I also want to experiment with forcing a female to hermie.

The Line up- Autoflowering, Early Harvest.

Auto bomb (5) Feminized. Genetics- Green-O-Matic x Big Bang Autoflowering
Jet 47 Auto (1O) Regular. Genetics- Unknown with White widow Influences
Mi5 (10) Regular. Genetics- AK 47 - Purple Afghani

The Line up- Photoperiod, Late harvest.
(my stash) Going to try freebies out aswell.

Nothern Lights Special (10) Regular.
Top 44 (2) Regular.
Kc Leda Una (1) Regular
Purple Bud (2) Regular
Lemoneese (4) Regular
Kandy Kush (4) Regular
Kc 36 (2) Regular (1) Feminized
Kc 42 (2) Regular


FoxFarms Trio
-Big Bloom
-Grow Big
-Tiger Bloom

I want to look into root enhancers and supplement or super nutrients. Example. Bloombastic. Any Information Would be great. Also what would be a good soil to fill the bags with? Something with low to no nutrients in them That i would pick up at the local home depot or lowes

All I mentioned above is in the Mail making its way here. As soon as I receive it Ill post pictures.
looks good man.. i would highly suggest buying root accelerator. it literally says that on the bottle.. its sorta small for 80 bucks and doesnt matter the size of the plant.. that shit produces kush.. and my buddy has a sugar mango ryder and its some kush and its nearly 2 and a half feet tall but i was curious why you chose auto flowet. anyways im subscribed and hope to see new pics soon!! !!1!ONE!1!

Thanks, Ill look into it! I just wanted two out door harvests this year before I move totally indoors. Im going to order one more 12/12 strian. Im not sure on what I should get. Ideas would be appreciated? Something has some color to it.
oh i though you meant quit growing for good!! haha but sugar mango ryder i would suggest.. i have it under a 600w led solar storm.. its due to harvest in like 4 days..
It sounds like a auto with the ryder. Is it? I have bought a house into and in the process of moving. I have bought a 1000 hps in a 6' air cool hood and I have 3 dwc buckets I want to try out. But thats another story Ill be starting this winter :)
Im Subbed!.. im doing a guerrilla grow almost similar except no autos and 30 strawberry cough and 30 headbands.. I really want some autos.. i was looking into the one called "pounder" has anyone used it?
clarification.. what exactly is a guerrilla grow? and i like the light.. do you have a tent or a certain room? and to maximize your yeild i would suggest a light mover
Not the certain spot no it has not. Its kinda close to spots ive used before. Guerilla grow. Growing one another persons land illegally. Basicly to clear your ass.
aahhh .. ive done that.. im geetting ready to put a couple outside but i live in wisconsin so too cold right now
What have your yields been like in the past t2? Ive only done one successfull outdoor grow and i grew ssdh which is like a 12 week strain and didnt really finish in michigan. but the plants were huge.
Last year I adveraged about 3-4 ounces what was called "pineapple' turns out the real name was belladona or some shit. I have a Picture In my email of a old mother plant that was given to me. Last year I only had 3 that survived my 2 month ordeal in jail lol.
. bella.jpgbellamom.jpg
No i have not do the work great? I used to work at some greenhouses. This old man there was basicly like my grandpal. He taught me most of what i needed to know about growing plants vegetables. Business end? this is for personaly use buddy :) who doesnt want to be the old man with the closet full of bud :)
Ps. what is the definition of a smart pot? Is it kinda like those reuseable grocery bags. or those peat pots pressed out of peat. I order some 5 gallon square plastic grow bags off ebay. Ill take pictures of that in the morning and post
smartpots are the fabric bags that air prune the roots just picked up 6, 45 gallon ones for my outdoor grow after i saw how much my indoors like the 2 gallons. should be some monsters this year. one question i dont get why you would purposely create hermies if you have mastered cloning, seems like it would create more potential problems than its worth, atleast clones you know what youll end up with. subbed for sure though, nothin better than seeing huge outdoor grows :D
its crazy how they price them.. at one grow store a pot was 12 bucks but right dowwn the road for the same size pot was 2 dollars some.. its crazy supply and demand
my location has good native soil yet i believe it is still a little too cold.. if not during the day esspecially at night