

New Member
How do you explain that they knew about stars that modern man didn't "discover" until the 1960's. Before the 60's there weren't any telescopes that could see those stars.

There is another tribe called the Dogon from Africa. They are very ancient, their tribal lore goes back farther than you can imagine. They also knew about these stars. They have a legend about a space creature named Nommus that came to earth and taught them how to survive. Their legend claims that the space creature told them about those stars. Stars that do exist, stars we couldn't see and couldn't prove were there until 40 years ago, yet the talk of these stars goes way back into their tribal lore for thousands of years.

I think it's interesting that Dogon Nommus when spelled backwards turns into "summon No God"

We are not alone, we never have been, we will not last forever, anyone who thinks we will is a fool. If I had to pick I would have wanted to be here either during the very beginning of mankind, or the very end. Well here I am, and the end is nigh, at least we all get front row seats. ;)


Well-Known Member
that's quite fucking interesting.....makes u think doesn't it?
my mate has always said "we're from fucking mars anyway".


Well-Known Member
How do you explain that they knew about stars that modern man didn't "discover" until the 1960's. Before the 60's there weren't any telescopes that could see those stars.

There is another tribe called the Dogon from Africa. They are very ancient, their tribal lore goes back farther than you can imagine. They also knew about these stars. They have a legend about a space creature named Nommus that came to earth and taught them how to survive. Their legend claims that the space creature told them about those stars. Stars that do exist, stars we couldn't see and couldn't prove were there until 40 years ago, yet the talk of these stars goes way back into their tribal lore for thousands of years.

I think it's interesting that Dogon Nommus when spelled backwards turns into "summon No God"

We are not alone, we never have been, we will not last forever, anyone who thinks we will is a fool. If I had to pick I would have wanted to be here either during the very beginning of mankind, or the very end. Well here I am, and the end is nigh, at least we all get front row seats. ;)
Its true,Im smokin alien space weed right now.:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
haven't seen any aliens yet. I usually see little green gnomes running around the floor. they tell me to eat my keyboard, but I rarely listen.


Well-Known Member
L ron hubbard made a bet w/ a few friend that he could start his own religion, and wallllah SCIENTOLOGY. now people like tom cruise think they've bought a ticket on the alien spacecraft that are gonna attack the earth......... what a joke!!!!


Well-Known Member
tom cruise isn't one of lorenzo08's gnomes is he? oh sorry..my bad..he isn't tall enough to be a gnome lol


i visited austria last year and we took a walk thru innsbrook. then i saw this church and next door these paintings caught my attention



New Member
I went to freetranslation.com and it said

The fallen of the 2 world war v hotting (v hotting must be the artist name)

So whatcha think it means?


Well-Known Member
personally i think it's just a warning:
"if u haven't smoked before..,DON'T over do it. you'll feel sick and look like this"


New Member
personally i think it's just a warning:
"if u haven't smoked before..,DON'T over do it. you'll feel sick and look like this"

I see jesus people and aliens, I don't see smoking :confused:

I think it means when the whole world is kicking its own ass the aliens who left us here as an ant farm will be back. Probably with bug spray :twisted:

I think we're screwed. The earth is trying to kill us and I can't say that I blame it either. We've done a damn good job of trying to kill the earth. It's become a contest, can we end the earth before the earth ends us?

Just going to kick back with my bong and wait for the end. bongsmilie :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
I had a dream that I bought a glass bong for $35 and it was two feet long. never used, too. what a deal. too bad I came back to reality...no bong =(