2013-14 Six Plant 600W grow


Well-Known Member
Mid-Week-Peek at the Big Cheese

14" tall, 23" wide.

She's been on 12/12 about 5 days.

Real happy with everything so far. Got a fantastic rich green color in all plants..



Well-Known Member
It's gonna be a bud-fest in a few weeks I hope, unless I fork it up. They are soooo healthy, not a spot or blemish anywhere. Wall to wall green. Fine little plants.


Well-Known Member
Not much to look at yet but here you go. Couple of things here, first being my cool new 5 headed gooseneck lamp, got two of them and they are going to be nice to work with. I used some clamp-ons last grow and they slipped and burned plants more than once, and I dropped and broke a couple, no more though.

The kind of interesting thing to me is the size of the Cheese in the slightly larger container. Story on it is that I had to transplant it out of a solo cup about 10 days of age. My own fault, they sprouted in a south window and it took me a couple days (cloudy days) to get some CFLs in their face, a couple days to stretch. 5 of them I had enough room to add an inch of potting soil to shore them up. This one was so spindly I figured what the hell, I'll repot it and bury the stem, figuring I would kill it as it had virtually no roots. Anyway transplant went well and I buried maybe 3" of bare stem in the soil. She just took off. In the first pic the plant next to her in the back row is another cheese same germination date and identical conditions all around. Big difference in size and development.

Anyway I'll keep the journal updated with pics at least weekly I hope. Questions, comments, suggestions always welcome. It's already been pointed out that GSC seeds are shit so that does not need to be discussed any further.

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Where did you score that lamp @ Bro?


Well-Known Member
OK, last pic before the photoshoot sunday. A Pic of the grow table and an overhead of the WW X BG. Everything's nice and green.



Well-Known Member
OK, putting pics up a day early, have commitments tomorrow most of day tomorrow.

Everything is on 12/12 now, hairs starting to show on the cheeze I flipped about 10 days ago. Most seem to have gone to alternate branching, one of the Jacks went alternate about 2 weeks ago, the other didn't.

I can't say conclusively but I think the silica really made the stems tough and rubbery. Last grow I supercropped a few branches when I was in a hurry and didn't want to mess with tying them down. I tried to do a few on these plants and the damn stem is so hard and tough they won't crush and bend.

Anyway here they are



Active Member
Looking good Aim, it's definitely the silica. On one of the strains I am running right now, it was notorious for thin, spindly branches that couldn't hold the weight of the buds by about the 6th week of flower. Since I have been using it, I don't have to stake them up usually.


Well-Known Member
Looking good Aim, it's definitely the silica. On one of the strains I am running right now, it was notorious for thin, spindly branches that couldn't hold the weight of the buds by about the 6th week of flower. Since I have been using it, I don't have to stake them up usually.
Thanks for the confirmation of what I thought. Last grow I grew 3 strains and although I didn't supercrop a lot, I would occasionally get lazy and instead of tying down a limb, I'd just pinch it and bend it right over, even broke a couple. This time with the silica and 4 strains I'm pretty much not able to SC at all without absolutely crushing the stem so I gave up on it and just do tie-downs down instead.

Even the small stems are tough as hell and I can't get them to stay bent over, almost leathery and rubbery actually. The only thing I did significantly different was add the Silica so I was pretty sure that was it.


Well-Known Member

We're at 70 days since seeds went in soil. After 8 weeks veg flipped 5 of them to 12/12 on 14/24/13 so right at 2 weeks. (The one larger cheese I flipped a couple days earlier). One of the jacks went alternate on it's own a week before the flip, but no preflowers on any that I noticed. They all showed hairs about a week after switching to 12/12

I'm pretty much done with training them. As the one pic shows they are spread out to 4'8" and my grow area is only 5' wide so I'm gonna hit my goal of training them wall to wall. Got the temp and humidity dialed in; dark period 65f/45% rh, lights on 85f/35% humidity

Iv'e got the canopy pretty even, each plant has from 16-25 primary bud sites.

Put the HPS bulb in 4 days ago. Switched out some of the 2700K cfls and replaced with some 6500K cfl's, got some 60 watters!

Giving them each 1/2 gal of water every 4-5 days with 1/2 strength nutes every watering. Getting a tiny bit of yellow on lower interior leaves so I will probably bump up to 3/4 strength then full strength next couple waterings.

As usual questions / comments appreciated..... Peace - AIM



Well-Known Member
Just thought I'd put up a pic of them in the grow space without the HPS, I snuck down there right before lights on and took a shot.


Well-Known Member
Thanks Bro, it IS pretty bright white. Lot going on in the 5 X 5' area. Check back tomorrow about 18 hrs from now, I'll throw some new pictures up, some serious green leaf growing.