2013 Outdoor BC Grow


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone this is my first year growing in the woods and thought it would be cool to start a thread about it. Its a spot that has been used for 20+ years and I am lucky enough that its now mine. I tried in this spot last season but as soon as I started it was over because pack rats chopped down my plants. So this year I grew them larger before they went in the ground and grew less of them. I have 50 plants in this spot. I am growing nuken I have an amazing pheno type that I got from my work last year. As far as outdoor goes in Canada this is the best strain I have seen. I averages 1.5 lbs per plant in a 20 gallon pot last year and this year I put them in the ground so I expect to do better. Im using a simple 20-20-20 mix and I am fertilizing with every watering and leaching once every 2 weeks. IMG_4163.jpgIMG_4164.jpgIMG_4165.jpgIMG_4166.jpgIMG_4167.jpgIMG_4168.jpgIMG_4169.jpgIMG_4170.jpgIMG_4171.jpgIMG_4179.jpg


Well-Known Member
Lol Thats who inspired me to do it! But the first two seasons were spent meeting locals and getting more knowledge about my area and finding the right genetics. I finally got people to open up to me and show me there spots and let me work 3. I will have more pics of the other 2 I setup this week. So this is my year to find out what Im made of. Shout out to browndirt for the advice. The DVD was best 30$ spent.


Well-Known Member
So the top pictures are of 40 medical plants they are about 10 feet tall on average and about 8 feet wide. The bottom pics are of about 140 of same strain and not as big due to the elevation difference between the 2 properties. Any questions I will answer. I expect big things soon. Things I learned this year was the awesome power of H202. It kills mould like whoa!


Well-Known Member
All they have been fed was 20-20-20 during veg (a lot I might add) 15-30-15 (only because thats all they had this year) last year I used lower N higher P Higher K
I never adjusted PH never even had to add garden lime to soil, but if I was going to do it there next year I would. I live in canada and old timers have never seen plants this big in my region. Just too bad there is no more outdoor medical licenses next year:( Oh well its always good to look back and say I did it big once.


Well-Known Member
All they have been fed was 20-20-20 during veg (a lot I might add) 15-30-15 (only because thats all they had this year) last year I used lower N higher P Higher K
I never adjusted PH never even had to add garden lime to soil, but if I was going to do it there next year I would. I live in canada and old timers have never seen plants this big in my region. Just too bad there is no more outdoor medical licenses next year:( Oh well its always good to look back and say I did it big once.
there was a time when there where no licenses right... what did you do then?


Well-Known Member
Nice. I am in BC n this is my second grow n have had no issues till it got cooler out. Now I am just hoping for a bit to work out for me.

be ez

Well-Known Member
I am growing nuken I have an amazing pheno type that I got from my work last year. As far as outdoor goes in Canada this is the best strain I have seen. I averages 1.5 lbs per plant in a 20 gallon pot last year and this year I put them in the ground so I expect to do better.
Thats a pretty amazing second season, your plants look great. What are the genetics of this nuken and when does it finish? Also what brand of nutes are you using?

Goodluck with Harvest!


Well-Known Member
Thats a pretty amazing second season, your plants look great. What are the genetics of this nuken and when does it finish? Also what brand of nutes are you using?

Goodluck with Harvest!

The Nuken comes from cash crop ken and I got the seeds from vancouverseedbank. All the info is there. Its a late finisher around oct7-14. It gets really big all summer and then out of no where starts to bud and does so fast. I have a watermelon strain I did this year and it flipped on the same day and they are not as far a head as the NUKEN. The smell is amazing you almost want to eat the plant is smells so berry like. The crystal content is great for making hash. I have a thread from a tumbler I made last year. As for the nutes I was using peters 20 20 20. I was up to 2 kilos per 500 gallon tank. But be careful it takes a long time to get the plants used to that much food and if you do not have great soil and great amounts of sun the plants will stretch and become lanky. You do not need insane growth if you do not have the containers or endless places for the roots to grow. I found this out because one of my patches in the woods had shitty soil and the plants got tall but cannot support the buds. I fed my plants every day (only because its so hot here) and flushed them once every 10 days to get ride of salt build up