2013 Outdoor Grow


IMG_0224.JPGIMG_0225.JPGIMG_0227.JPGHey guys these were taken yesterday. I transplanted my white widow into a 1 gallon smart pot and is outside as of yesterday hardening off to the sun to try and get some early smoke for the summer. I gave one of those newer seedlings to a buddy of mine to grow. Now I'm starting to drop my light schedule down an hour a day til I'm at 14/10 before I put outside??


Well-Known Member
wallay, i'm wondering the same thing on the 14/10 question.
Good luck getting a straight forward answer on that one. I think
were just gonna have to give it a shot and see what happens.


Well-Known Member
wallay, i'm wondering the same thing on the 14/10 question.
Good luck getting a straight forward answer on that one. I think
were just gonna have to give it a shot and see what happens.


IMG_0058.jpg Update 3/19/13 I have 1 white widow transplanted into 1 gallon and outside to try and pull some early smoke then took 1 of my 6 GH big bangs transplanted into 5 gallon smart pot and dug into the ground to try and get a nice reveg and then the other 5 are still inside under fluros and I'm going to be FIM'n them maybe in the next week


IMG_0151.jpgIMG_0152.jpgIMG_0153.jpgIMG_0155.jpgUpdate 3/26 have my white widow and 1 of the big bangs outside for about 2 weeks now and FIM'd and topped the other 5 they are doing great atm just waiting for 4/20 to throw em all outside. Also added some pretty cool camoflauge haha I love it!