2014 and on Indoor Grow and Show, Post your past and present Dank indoor shhizzzz


Well-Known Member
Loving the look of the cotton candy! How is she supposed to yield? I have heard a lot of good things of its sister strain Purple Paralysis (Lavender x Power Plant)... supposedly 20+% THC and high yielding buds that sometimes turn shades of pink and purple...

Just wondering cause it sounds like a delicious strain (pun intended).
Took one just for you, Beast! There is purple showing throughout, but it's not prominent.


Well-Known Member
Sorry bout the late response.. Looks very good! Did you harvest it yet? If so, whats the smoke report and bag appeal/ yield like?
Good all the way around, Beast! People went crazy for the sh*& and I didn't even want to get rid of any. Was listed as a mediocre yielder. I got about 4.5 oz from the one plant which wasn't bad. Easiest to trim I've ever seen, and tastes just like it sounds. Very sweet tasting. Would have made some awesome hash. Went through a period of about 3 weeks where it smelled like straight up CAT PISS! I've had stronger, but this was probably around 17-18% and a good sativa buzz. I'd do it again. The taste from a vaporizer or even a clean bong is NICE!


Well-Known Member
Where the heck is everyone? Amnesia haze at week 10 of 12. I burned the shit out of her at about week 3. I got lucky, and she recovered after giving me a fit. Tried a little piece that got caught up in my trellis line and pulled off, and she was rockin' it with 4 weeks left to go. AND I speed dried that bit. Looking forward to cutting the fussy bitch down...lol.


Well-Known Member
Hhb the star bud came out nice and frosty.finished right at 8 weeks and is pretty good had it tested and it came in at 18% thc.the best in the room was as usual kosher and the dinachem.the dinachem had three phenos two were meh and one was the real deal .It tested at 26% thc and 1.5 cbd and is super tasty and strong ass shiT.


Well-Known Member
The new line up is alphadawg from alphachronic a dank looking chem cross and a strain I made called royal k witch is a kosher kush female pollinated by a gdp male,this is there first run so we shall see but I have high hopes for this one.20140611_213057.jpg20140611_213057.jpg 20140611_213057.jpg 20140611_213057.jpg 20140611_213057.jpg