Well-Known Member
I wouldn't know lol. I don't put too much thought into it. I think that any all purpose fert for veg works rather well. Like 20-20-20 or 16-16-16. I have used 24-8-16 before with good results. I was using a 5-1-1 fish emulsion as a base fert but when I switched over to 16-16-16 Maxsea I noticed greener leaves and happier plants within a couple days. For flowering I like to still have a little nitrogen in the mix. Some people try to cut it out completely, which I find quite silly. If you hit a N deficiency in flower not a very big surprise, right? I have used a 5-11-11 fish emulsion solution for flowering with great results. When I make guano tea's I don't really pay much attention to NPK either. But the NPK is much similar to my liquid and powder nutes I'm sure. That is a very good question though Ruby. I'm sure different strains may want more N or more P or more K. But in general I have heard 1-3-2 NPK for flowering is pretty much ideal.just a quick one fresno ir there an ideal range for NPK fertilisers?either slow release or liquid feeds?
@Urhighness88 I spray in the late evening because a lot of insects come out at night time to feed. I'm guessing they like the cooler temps at night and being able to chow down without the sun beating down on them. Early morning works as well too, but in my opinion it is better to spray in the evening because the solution is still fresh on the foliage and has not been degraded by the sun yet. Which results in the insects taking in a stronger solution rather than after a whole day UV rays degrading it.
I need to start spraying with some Spinosad. I'm starting to get thrips. Gotta nip this in the bud fast. Before the plants head into flowering. I have heard thrips are rather easy to get rid of with Spinosad. I sprayed with neem oil to no avail. I also have some......I wanna call them click beetles in my veg greenhouse. They look like click beetles to me. My research tells me that they eat aphids and or small insect of that nature. But it also tells me that some click beetles will feed on plants and the larvae will eat the roots. I am contemplating blasting the greenhouse with neem. I dont want to kill any innocent beetles though.