2014 High Times LA Medical Cannabis Cup

I'm on back fence sitting on the ground blazin. Come find me. Mo just left. He might be wondering around.
image.jpgI had a good time loading up on gear. HighTimes I love you !!!
got to meet and blaze with several breeders and overall had a good time.

I think I bought about 10-12 different strains in seed and got everything I wanted except GSC.
Just another perfect day in Southern California! Can't wait to upload some movies of the lines and maybe some pics. I can't remember anything - so much happened! The helicopter-drone video they were taking is going to be killa! More tomorrow when I have my head back on :)
Doesn't look like I will be making it out today. The wife needed to use the car, and our other car has expired tags. Normally I would just risk the ticket, but we're going to the DMV next week and I don't want to tempt fate. :) Or get the car towed.

Saturday was a blast. The line getting in was long but moving quickly and everyone was really nice and friendly. I checked out every booth and took many many dabs. I stopped by Buds And Roses to try some of their veganic buds and picked up a couple of grams each of LA Confidential and Platinum Cookies. I have had far better LACon, the PC was pretty good. I am not sold on the whole veganic thing though. The buds had nice aroma but wasn't very smooth or terribly flavorful. They were really nice though, and Kyle Kushman was there talking to people about growing and giving advice, so that was cool.

Eventually we made our way to the G Pen lounge where we procured a couch and a table and started getting lit. After giving bad directions to F.M.I.L.Y we finally met up and smoked some bowls. Eventually more RIU people showed up. It was great meeting everyone, smoking and trading. I am very excited about the new genetics. LA Con, Cherry Pie, Jesus OG, and some seeds.

I'll go back again next year.
Doesn't look like I will be making it out today. The wife needed to use the car, and our other car has expired tags. Normally I would just risk the ticket, but we're going to the DMV next week and I don't want to tempt fate. :) Or get the car towed.

Saturday was a blast. The line getting in was long but moving quickly and everyone was really nice and friendly. I checked out every booth and took many many dabs. I stopped by Buds And Roses to try some of their veganic buds and picked up a couple of grams each of LA Confidential and Platinum Cookies. I have had far better LACon, the PC was pretty good. I am not sold on the whole veganic thing though. The buds had nice aroma but wasn't very smooth or terribly flavorful. They were really nice though, and Kyle Kushman was there talking to people about growing and giving advice, so that was cool.

Eventually we made our way to the G Pen lounge where we procured a couch and a table and started getting lit. After giving bad directions to F.M.I.L.Y we finally met up and smoked some bowls. Eventually more RIU people showed up. It was great meeting everyone, smoking and trading. I am very excited about the new genetics. LA Con, Cherry Pie, Jesus OG, and some seeds.

I'll go back again next year.

Ive heard good things about cherry pie from FMILY.
We went back today. I am so with you on the smells. Every booth I went to had very harsh smelling buds. There was a nice hash smell followed by windex. The CA booth had some amazing smelling buds with a strain that smelled like straight up PEZ candy :) I picked up a preroll of Platinum Cookies to see what she was like and got some Merlot OG seeds.

I got the Blue Dream clones going and they are looking happy! Thank you so much!

I feel like we spent two days at Disneyland!

We drove right by that gnarly wreck on the 60 West this morning. They had that whole side of the freeway closed.

As soon as I recover from all of the fun I will post pics and stories.

The whole event had a nice vibe and people were super nice. It was crowded and I bumped shoulders with a very gang banger looking, very serious looking dude. He turned and apologized to me, I apologized to him, we both smiled and said, "Hey, no worries bro!". I have been to concerts where incidents like that could end up in a fight. Cannabis is the great equalizer. We're all friends when we're at the table and sharing bong loads.

The only "bummer" I saw was a guy get kicked out for selling. But hey, we're all warned, and the guy copped an attitude when the vendor/worker asked him to not sell. The worker walked away and the guy made the sale anyway, with cash on the table. (very blatant) So worker dude gets event security who escorts the guy out.

And of course, I wish the booths that had the music BLARING would turn it down a tad. Take it down to 8 or 9 from 11, dude. Heh heh.

And girls in their underwear. :)

And dabs.