2014 Kessil Club

nice pics there Mo! impressive, and nice work on the reflective material. looks good. well, as I told you before in the other post...I ditched cfl's and went for Cree Led's, and the heat battle appears to be over. Its been running for a few hours now, and its holding right around 78F-80F. I really wanted that Kessil h350 tho, would had been perfect for my set up. like I said, I am still in the market for one. if anyone is looking to get rid of one I got about $150 I can spend. hope I am not breaking the rules by posting this.... if its an issue let me know, I am just throwing it out there. Im still bummed about losing the ebay bidding war~! them sneaky bastards got me in the last few seconds. I like your idea about setting my price, to stay outta the bidding war nonsense. thanks again.
nice thread too. I hope to be posting pics with a kessil soon. I will however keep you posted on how these Cree bulbs work out if yr interested.
nice pics there Mo! impressive, and nice work on the reflective material. looks good. well, as I told you before in the other post...I ditched cfl's and went for Cree Led's, and the heat battle appears to be over. Its been running for a few hours now, and its holding right around 78F-80F. I really wanted that Kessil h350 tho, would had been perfect for my set up. like I said, I am still in the market for one. if anyone is looking to get rid of one I got about $150 I can spend. hope I am not breaking the rules by posting this.... if its an issue let me know, I am just throwing it out there. Im still bummed about losing the ebay bidding war~! them sneaky bastards got me in the last few seconds. I like your idea about setting my price, to stay outta the bidding war nonsense. thanks again.
nice thread too. I hope to be posting pics with a kessil soon. I will however keep you posted on how these Cree bulbs work out if yr interested.
my bad
i am kind of a dirty bastard on ebay man. won a bunch of crap you just put your bid in at like 15 sec left.
Please post all of your LED results here. This is a place for learning and sharing our LED experiences. Keep an eye on ebay, there will be more deals I am sure. Have you thought about trying the H150s?
I actually have thought about the 150's. I am wondering if I can put those a little closer to the plants then you can the 350. I am limited on height space, so I have to LST the shit outta my plants to make em fit.
yea and the magenta
shit!!!! well, congrats dude! I was trying to bid again...but I went to hit the bid button, and mother fucker was logged out...it pops up, you must be logged in to do that, and when I finally got logged in, it had sold! first (and possibly last) time fucking with ebay....but really, congrats, I hope they hold out for ya.... let me know, I really wondered how much life they had left.
i lost a few and figured it out. i dont bid on it and i get on and type in a bid and go to the next page and wait. and i hit the last button at 20 the 15 sec left. i will keep an eye out for you. it never hurts to try. i got my 600 that way same with my wielder, and a buch of other crap. i buy exotic wood on there also.
I tried using the H150 in my clone cab and it seemed to be frying my plants. Now I think it might have been the caterpillars.



The H150 does have the intensity to fry clones or small plants. However at the recommended 12-18" they thrive. I have 5 plants currently vegging under one H150 Blue Kessil. I could definitely see growing a healthy girl to harvest, with either a H150 or an H350.
how much space you working with
well, the cab I have now was made with cfl growing in mind....and it is about 28in high, If I would had got those kessils, I would had to have gotten a different cab, cause there was no way I could had positioned them that close in that cab/
Gentlemen.... Hello.... This is my first post on this website, however I've been a member for some time, and read the abundance of good info that this site contains. So, with that being said I currently own 4 H350 magentas, 2 h150 blues, 2 h150 reds, as well as the spectral spinner. Now, I've never fully flowered under kessil alone, yet I've used them as supplemental and received amazing resin production.

On my next grow I'm on the fence. I'm not sure if I'd like to use them as supplemental with 2 600w hps or use the spinner with the 4 magentas and the 2 reds over 4x4 flood table, (with co2 on either)? or doing 2 separate grows all-together? Being more knowledgeable and experienced with these products I'd like your suggestions, as to what you feel would be the best use...