2014 outdoor Northshore grow


Started to get some malware issue from this site a few weeks back TWS, tried to stay clear, but I couldn’t resist, seems to be fixed now though :D

I wish hg, I’m actually in the states around 44 degrees north, that trade might need to wait till I’m out on the island again :P (I know my title says north shore grow, but that is only in reference to the lake that is near by)
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Started to get some malware issue from this site a few weeks back TWS, tried to stay clear, but I couldn’t resist, seems to be fixed now though :D

I wish hg, I’m actually in the states around 44 degrees north, that trade might need to wait till I’m out on the island again :P (I know my title says north shore grow, but that is only in reference to the lake that is near by)


The plants and I had a wonderful holiday and I hope all of my fellow growers did too. here’s a little update following the festivities, weather is around 20 degrees celsius during the day, I put out a tomato plant today to see how it’d handle the temp.

Four out of the twenty have pre-flowered (:

This is my topping experiment I’m running (first crack at this) Hope she’s a female!

These are the Mastodon seeds I started a few weeks later than the rest these beans were HUGE! stoked to see it progress


Well-Known Member
i cant believe may is almost here :D iv been spending alot of time out in the yard. all the trees are about to leaf out and then ill be selecting a prime spot to stick a plant. hope your moving day goes well hehe


Well It’s been a few months since my last update, been crazy busy this summer hope everyone’s is going as decent as mine is (: The first pic is a group of 7 cinderella 99’s, the tallest are about 6 feet, the dwarf ones are around 5 ft. The other pic is of Blue Snowdog, went out on April 21st survived a few inches of snow. Seem to have some odd leaves but I’m not that concerned. It has been pre flowering ever since it went out back in April, so now I’m judging it’s about 3-4 weeks into flowering where as the the 99’s are in the 2nd week. hoping for a great harvest (;


photographed chill’n on the leaf is a yellow banded leaf hopper. :D
cindy’s 99ers are about 78 inches now and have plenty of time left before the crop.



bit of an update, I’m about 3 weeks into flowering now. the biggest gals are about 78 inches while the others are about 54 inches.

This last one is a mastodon