2015 5th Annual THC Expo

s this show at cobo even going to have a mmj related area....it says on their forms No displaying , vending or using of medication on site????
Venues like this are for profit and I imagine costly and time consuming to set up and run. Seems like a lot of whining going on,remember not long ago these were not possible,relax and smoke a bowl.
You would whine too if you spent a total of $75 and got nothing but aggravated. And Yes, I did just put three drops of tincture under my loose tongue :) Now I'm a happy camper
Just got a call from Jerad @ THC Expo about vending.
They are looking for a headliner more along the lines of Tommy Chong...
rooster tail was already booked. This years event will be at Bert's in Eastern Market.
Medicating site is secret squirrel status until right before event.
Event is April 29-May 1st.

Vending is $900 at reg site. $600 at med site.
We are paying deposit today and Medicated Acres will be there.

They will have a good headliner this year, and the venue will be much more open and less crowded.
Sounds good to me. I hope to see everyone out there.