bit of a difference from someone suffering from substance abuse than someone who works 70 hours a week in a family business ...
more like big difference.
no not if he works for his family and steals from them AND still gets over paid
i mean if hes making 70k thats quite a bit
ill be going to collage for 2 years to make a salary of 40k ya know???
and panhead has medical bills for his wife and its his business he took the financial risk starting it up so he should make more then anyone else
sunni think about this for a second you start your own business and your start up cost is lets say 100k well you have to take the risk dishing out that money from your own pocket and if it fails your out 100k
so he took the risk its his business he gets what he wants because its his he literally owns it and he doesn't do the labor why??????
BECAUSE HE'S THE BOSS he doesn't have to and cant do the labor because he runs the damn place and keeps everyone paid and happy while also selling the property
he has the bigger risk too if it fails he is out his start up cost and all the money he paid into it
plus its pretty fucking communist saying the owner of the company shouldn't make more money im just saying
sorry sunni if it sounds like im going on a rant or sounds like im snapping at you i have respect for you and im not trying to be a punk that tries to fuck with mods and shit
and ive looked into starting my own company were i import RDAs and mechanical mods from clone suppliers in China then selling it on ebay and to local vape shops and ive been through what the start up cost and thought about it heavily
id have to take the risk spending a few thousand dollars on products and shipping costs to import plus advertisement to have a professional photographer take pictures of stuff im wanting to sell so it looks presentable for buyers then if i make 20,000 ill have to pay taxes to paypal so ill have a bigger peice of the pie then any employees i hire because i had to pay all that and there salaries not knowing if im gonna make money or not