2015 Harvest Celebration BBQ Dec 12-13th

Just got back from Costco, got supplies. View attachment 3560910


I'm bringing breakfast stuff and I'll be there on Friday. Got 4 packs of bacon and sausages! 5 dozen eggs, butter, onions, salsa, tortillas, hash browns and shredded cheddar cheese....should have a few breakfast burritos to share. Also got 3 cases of water to share.
I like my alcohol but jager bombs is the only drink that can have me falling all over the place i love the shit
It is forecast to rain tomorrow so I picked a bucket of oranges & loaded the van today. I think we have just about everything covered. However I looked & looked & can't seem to locate my wire brush to clean the grill. Does anyone coming on Friday have a wire brush?...
Damn I couldn't do a 5th to the head
Last time I swallowed a 5th+ was New Year 08. Me and my girlfriend then (wife now) woke up in my friends spare bedroom laying on a mattress only, why, because I had already covered the blankets in puke and piss. Didnt remember what the fck I did, but apparently I was quite the handfull. I used to drink ALOT but I replaced the drink with more weed and nothing is cloudy anymore. I dont dabble in the alcohol much anymore except an occasional beer and some good vino with food.
Its funny to see the outdoor section compared to the rest of the sections. So much camraderie whereas the other sections have people calling people out saying they are lying about what they are doing so many trolls, not here. Fkn good people here man.
well it would be, but I dipped out half way through the 18 month dui course (it is once a week for 18 friggin months) so I have to do it again and pay ...it's really about that money. I'm trying to see if I can do it online because I just can't do once a week because, well, fck that
It is forecast to rain tomorrow so I picked a bucket of oranges & loaded the van today. I think we have just about everything covered. However I looked & looked & can't seem to locate my wire brush to clean the grill. Does anyone coming on Friday have a wire brush?...
I have a few wire brushes ,I can grab one and I have tanks of fuel I think I'll check. going to get the wood in the morning in the rain I guess. I tried to get it today but he was in the woods cutting.
well it would be, but I dipped out half way through the 18 month dui course (it is once a week for 18 friggin months) so I have to do it again and pay ...it's really about that money. I'm trying to see if I can do it online because I just can't do once a week because, well, fck that
18 months wtf. how about they just quit selling alcohol if its that bad? Oh yeah, the money