In case you had't noticed, if you're trying to be a voice of reason on this subject, it will always fall on deaf ears here. We've had LP shills come and go, many time....some even bolder than our recent masked marvel.Personal insults that are not made in jest make everyone look like Donald trump - flailing aimlessly. That's the way everyone appears; regardless of side or position.
Oh I get that. I've read and heard about your plight a lot. I feel sad for all that many of you have gone through fighting for what you believe in.In case you had't noticed, if you're trying to be a voice of reason on this subject, it will always fall on deaf ears here. We've had LP shills come and go, many time....some even bolder than the masked marvel.
Most of us here take issue with LP's raping sick folks for shitty meds. The only peeps here who support LP's are those that are getting it for free, and those with not enough sense to look for viable alternatives. We try and warn them, show them proof...and they still buy LP schwag. After 200 or so bouts with LP shills over the last couple of years, then you can surely understand why we have no time/sympathy for these masked bandits.
Does it get harsh at time, fukin right....we're passionate about the MMJ WE smoked/vape/ingest.
I've read and heard about your plight a lot. I feel sad for all that many of you have gone through fighting for what you believe in. .
Seriously? This is nanna nanna boo boo shit and I'm done playing this game. You want to talk I'm always free for an open and informative discussion. If you want to fight look elsewhere. I have better things to do than fight with strangers on the Internet.oh really eh/..
lets hear what you know oh google wonder
I said I know of said you know..lets hear it Mr
I said I know of some.
What I know is people for years were able to grow their own under the old system, and health Canada was in charge of the prescriptions and approvals. People could grow or have designated growers if they were too sick to grow themselves.
Some people were shady (not all) and took the plant count from some of these patients and sold the medication illegally. the government then decided that growing your own was "corrupt" from a system they invented and they decided to make money off of it.
Come in the LPs in March of 2014 (just before I got my prescription). Health Canada told doctors they are now the gatekeepers of the medicine; but without giving them the proper information. In Ontario the college of doctors scrutinizes what doctors prescribe and most doctors don't feel there is enough research on medical marijuana because they only hear about the research from big pharma companies which is generally not favourable to marijuana.
I know the government also tried to get everyone that was growing before to just stop and buy from an LP. which is madness for people prescribed any more than a gram a day. Dispensaries that were only open to help sick people before are being shut down by the greedy government that is supporting the LP system.
I learned from coming to this site that in August of this year patients in Canada can apply for the right to legally grow their own medication. Sounds like government sanctioned start up materials are very expensive and that LPs are maybe selling things too but at an astronomical price compared to the black market.
I'm sure I've missed some. What a fun book report. Your turn.
Thank you, thank you very much.Better than most for sure
The BM...........Hey guys I would be weary of telling any of the new guys anything, for all you know they work for Tweed and are trying to find out were we got our seeds from so they can have them shut down...... I would not trust any of the new guys, they ask cop like questions......I am soft, thank you I appreciate the compliment. I've said many time you do you. I'm going to post what I feel. You'll call me a baby and I'll call you a meanie face and the world will just keep spinning.
So where's the best place to find start up grow materials on the cheap?
Is a forum not for asking questions? Maybe I'm doing it wrong.The BM...........Hey guys I would be weary of telling any of the new guys anything, for all you know they work for Tweed and are trying to find out were we got our seeds from so they can have them shut down...... I would not trust any of the new guys, they ask cop like questions......
No for me it is just timing, all these new guys around here and all this new tension, and then all the questions about were to find genetics...... at a time in history that LP's are clamoring for genetics and at a time when the Gov wants to end BM genetics so we can all buy from Tweed..... So for me I do not trust a lot of people, my first and formost mission is to protect the genetics from greedy fucks.Is a forum not for asking questions? Maybe I'm doing it wrong.
Been kind of getting the same vibe.No for me it is just timing, all these new guys around here and all this new tension, and then all the questions about were to find genetics...... at a time in history that LP's are clamoring for genetics and at a time when the Gov wants to end BM genetics so we can all buy from Tweed..... So for me I do not trust a lot of people, my first and formost mission is to protect the genetics from greedy fucks.
Totally. We've all been here long enough to know when a larger influx of new members arrive all cheerleading agressively, what it means
whatever is the cheapest and easiest. I'm starting from nothing.
Here's proof of how corrupt lousy producers areI said I know of some.
What I know is people for years were able to grow their own under the old system, and health Canada was in charge of the prescriptions and approvals. People could grow or have designated growers if they were too sick to grow themselves.
Some people were shady (not all) and took the plant count from some of these patients and sold the medication illegally. the government then decided that growing your own was "corrupt" from a system they invented and they decided to make money off of it.
Come in the LPs in March of 2014 (just before I got my prescription). Health Canada told doctors they are now the gatekeepers of the medicine; but without giving them the proper information. In Ontario the college of doctors scrutinizes what doctors prescribe and most doctors don't feel there is enough research on medical marijuana because they only hear about the research from big pharma companies which is generally not favourable to marijuana.
I know the government also tried to get everyone that was growing before to just stop and buy from an LP. which is madness for people prescribed any more than a gram a day. Dispensaries that were only open to help sick people before are being shut down by the greedy government that is supporting the LP system.
I learned from coming to this site that in August of this year patients in Canada can apply for the right to legally grow their own medication. Sounds like government sanctioned start up materials are very expensive and that LPs are maybe selling things too but at an astronomical price compared to the black market.
I'm sure I've missed some. What a fun book report. Your turn.