2016 Spring BBQ Sat 4/23

ruby fruit

Well-Known Member
Don't let it get you in a bad mood, your flowers look great ruby, smile, peace, &herb bro, life's a rat race, at least you've got the cheese ;) (weed if you know what I mean! ), blow away all the bangers like your boss with kindness and positivity, make them a better person for knowing you and that's all we can do sometimes, and smile like a motherfucker, haters love it :peace:
That will be hard brother but i know exactly what you are saying...cant and wont ever smile to this turkey he fixed that one nite with one insensitive comment.
Anyway im not gonna ruin other ppls party hope u all have a great weekend
Edit : my best friend who has cancer of the lungs and kydney had scans few days ago and they said no cancer is there no more,scanned the rest of him and 24 hrs later said he needs radiation treatment right away as the cancer has now jumped to his brain ffs i now have the motivation to carry myself through this latest turn in life ...although i wish i didnt have to use that.


Well-Known Member
That will be hard brother but i know exactly what you are saying...cant and wont ever smile to this turkey he fixed that one nite with one insensitive comment.
Anyway im not gonna ruin other ppls party hope u all have a great weekend
Edit : my best friend who has cancer of the lungs and kydney had scans few days ago and they said no cancer is there no more,scanned the rest of him and 24 hrs later said he needs radiation treatment right away as the cancer has now jumped to his brain ffs i now have the motivation to carry myself through this latest turn in life ...although i wish i didnt have to use that.
Similar thing happened to my pops. Supposedly he had a mini stroke. 2 weeks later it was a brain tumor. Live everyday the best you can. And just keep trucking forward whether slow or fast..

ky man

Well-Known Member
That will be hard brother but i know exactly what you are saying...cant and wont ever smile to this turkey he fixed that one nite with one insensitive comment.
Anyway im not gonna ruin other ppls party hope u all have a great weekend
Edit : my best friend who has cancer of the lungs and kydney had scans few days ago and they said no cancer is there no more,scanned the rest of him and 24 hrs later said he needs radiation treatment right away as the cancer has now jumped to his brain ffs i now have the motivation to carry myself through this latest turn in life ...although i wish i didnt have to use that.
I had cancer and a good surgen saved my life and pot oil..5 years later they found what they thought was bone cancer don't know for sure but eating pot oil I made and eat for 1 year and when I TOLD THE DR,WHAT I DID it blew there minds..I had 6 lest in a row show it in my bones 3 quoters of a inch long..they wounted to give he there shit and that shit all most killed once befor and i told them hell no.THEY GOT PISSED WHEN I TOLD THEM I WOULD TREAT IT AT HOME WITH MY OWN MEDS,They ask every month what I was using to treat it with and I would not tell them unless it worked on me AND IT DID WORK ON ME.Cence then ever time they put there die in me and did mri it would show it was gone.I had to threaten them with a lawer to make the dr, but that in my filles at the hospital.Iam not saying it works every time but I have the proff on my records at the hospital that it cured me of what ever was in my bones.

ky man

Well-Known Member
There is a lot more to my cancer storey from the first time but I can not post it on this form or some people would know my true real name and I cant chance that..TELL your friend to stay positive and talk to him lots that help me a lot when I came close to death..

ruby fruit

Well-Known Member
There is a lot more to my cancer storey from the first time but I can not post it on this form or some people would know my true real name and I cant chance that..TELL your friend to stay positive and talk to him lots that help me a lot when I came close to death..
Thanks so much for sharing that bro and i only use the word bro now and then to ppl i care about even if i havnt met them...
My job at risk this week cant even be put in the same perspective as ppl like yourself or my best mate...thanks again...
