2016outdoorGG ireland

How did the poly tunnels work out? Did you get better results than the outdoor? Get the autos down earlier next year.
Hi Roobarb I didn't get very good results
The plan was to get a big greenhouse 3.5m×6m but I realized how much of an effort it was get get something like that to the plot also was a bit expensive .

I kept the autos in the greenhouse and left them out when it was nice and sunny.
As soon as it hit 20july the nights got very humid and cold then come morning it was very humid and very worm the vapor/water could not excape the green house and well like 100%humif on the digitle temp thing. just made perfect conditions for mould.
I was going to put the potted twilight in the greenhouse during flower but it will get 2 humid.
But because it is very light I'll just use it to cover the twilight during rain.
I could rap if in black foil and it would make for a perfect light deposit.
It means I will have to go down every day but it will also mean I can check on the plants every day.
But I'm too lazy and I should have started
Light depo a few weeks ago.
Mabye next year.
Early girl gets a Thumbs up so far
And the holland hope is very healthy and strong its going to a big yeilder
yes irish lad,i couldn't Write anything on this yesterday,ye its 10pound a gram or you could pay 160 to 200 pound an oz,always weed over here,just not as good as me own,i just sell enough to pay the esb bill,60 pound a month,me n me bird could make a fortune but were smokers ye know,gram joints ye know,tell ye this lad if we ever do decide to move back home,keep an ear out for how good the smoke is in waterford,chances are...its me lad,your grow looks amazing lad keep it up,big up the irish growers
10pound a gram is cheaper than the dam.
If you do ever come back to Ireland hit me up . Over here it's just ganja good quality but almost always a sativa dom.thats why I need to grow,but at the moment still living with my parents. So I went outdoor.alot of indica dominant
I'll be turning alot of it into dabs and hash then I'll have a nice indica strain.t o toke on and a nice selection of bud too.i was told once you grow bud your never truly out of bud.
This was a bottom branch I stuck into a pot for the fun of it about 8weeks ago . It looked like it die like the other one beside it. I poured nutes in the pot and can back to a tint live close plant lol.all the shity bottom braches I choped I gave them root hormone and put them in pots just to what will happen wile si close to flower.


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Just cleaning up the auto mobydick taking a trimmings from the buds it look so frosty looks more frosty than alot of indoor I had, I wish the moby got to finish it's a damn frost strain.. I can't wait to turn it into sqiso dabs .
Here's pics about 1half months 2weeks of flowering. +Sour D dabsIMG_20160829_091215.jpg


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yes irish lad,there fine looking plants,i would never thought of growing weed in Ireland especially outside,but lad you proved it to me,my mams back garden is 2 ackrs,full sun all the time,when the sun dose shine that is,sunny south east my ass lol,my uncle keeps birds up there aswell,good nuits,im gona plant some when im on holidays right at the top of the garden,we use to grow spuds n veg up,there great soil,lets see whet happeneds with 2 blue cheese 2 blue dream n 2 strawberry kush plants,can only grow,il sell the plants to me nextdoor neighbor,one can only try lad,happy growing mate big up the irish growers,your doing great lad
Phone battery ran out almost as soon as I got to the spot.took a few pic wile I could.

I did alot of clean up work clean up everything around the spot and planted all plants in pots,they just when into flower but I had alot of coco left over from the auto so I just transplanted all plants look amazing since last visit the plants got much bigger and all are well into flower .

The biggest plant is f huge . I'll get the timer thing on.my phone so you can see me standing beside it. I'm about 5 1/2 foot.
Bad news!
It's not good, remember that plant tru out into the blue 45L buck with shitty soil and left out in the shitty weather,then turned out to be a 100 indica frisian dew
No?? well here's pics the dude that looked after it for me ended up doing very good job , here trimed the leaves and toped it . She was a moster bush. The stem ... as fat as a soda can.
finally pictures loaded .

This is her
Picture are from about 3-4weeks old
all the way to first week of flower
So 6months veg!!!

Look through the pictures


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jasus lad growing weed in the irish summer sun who would of guess it could be done,ye should be well proud of yourself lad,shout out to your mate aswell,pioneer lad,i would love to give out door growing a go,but sure wha harm i can only grow in me press,il take a pic now the two at the back are me birds cheese n queen#1 3 small are blue mango blue cheese n blue tooth,i had another blue cheese and queen#1 veged for 5 week,went out for a fue drinks had a argument with me bird and pulled her plants up and thats why them plants are hers now,i wouldn't be irish if i didn't do stupid thinks when i drink,gutted when i came round all them weeks of veg for nothing,ah well,heres a pic of mine i mean me birds 3 headed cheese plant and queen,dont know why but when i top a plant i leave a bit on one side so instead of 2 heads i get 3,works good proper mistake but 3 is better then 2,1474386222336.jpg1474386306267.jpg1474386342195.jpg
Looking very well mate.
Never take your anger out on ganja plants lol theyr just making the best out of whatever the grower gives them. I'd say you wear not too happy with yourself a week later lol. We seems like we both had same problems only the opposite gender.
Sorry too any females If offended lol
Just goes to show we men are as bad or worse lol.That cheese looks so green and happy.Never tryed blue mango before tried sweet tooth tho let me know how it's taste and smokes when harvested . My first evergrow was a mango auto. Mixed pineapple juice with ro water for the week of flush,justas an experiment.
I got a super stinky pineapple smelling tasting bud with hints of them sweets juicy fruits it was so nice. It work well but only did it because I was just having fun.
If I have a spare auto lying around I'll do the same.feeding any juice to inhance the flavour will work, but it's almost 70more likely to mould on you.

Here's are quick trick next time you got yourself a nice juicy/fruity strain
Example (strawberry cough)or(bananna tangi) right after harvest (before you start to dry)
Get yourself a
The 1litler bottle
1lts of RO water
3-4 vanilla sticks(LIDL)r(ALDI)
Fill bottle with ro water break up vanilla stick as much as possible drop them in .
The take your just freshly cut brach put into the vanilla ro water , leave for about 3 days .
Dry brach take buds and cure.
Now you got yourself vanilla bananna tangi
That taste just like bananna icecream.
Longer you cure the more vanilla flavour comes out. Just for a novelty thing
Work very well
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