2018..The epic grow your own year!

I'm now officially looking forward to summer and taking part in my legal 4 plants! Based on this I won't need more than 2, great googly moogly! :mrgreen:

All depends.. maybe you plant 2 and a storm takes them both out. Good luck. Just remember. Bigger Roots Bigger Fruits.
Oh hey...It's not like I need to grow it. I just enjoy doing it, so losses are losses. But I haven't thought about doing outdoors since the 90s, because (at least back then in BC) I was under the impression that getting more than a QP from an outdoor was unlikely, so I've always concentrated on indoors. Then there is the quality issue.
But just as something to have around as a compliment (and gift), it would be worth doing, especially since I already do veggies. I'll just turn the squash box into a kush box. :lol:
If I can screen it adequately, then I should be able to get a decent amount. A pound would be great from an outdoor for me, with plenty to give away.
Someone once told me fan leaves are like solar panels collecting energy. Never understood defoliation
I have tried mesh which worked good on the ball shaped plants from other years that were clones...
and a greenhouse frame that my goof neighbour complained to the city about. Just because she is a total C--T but it worked great to support plants that were 9 to 14 feet high from seed plants....with a natural shape to them.

here is my goof neighbour and her drunken driving skills....what a dumb bitch....newleaves 091.jpg
Is your grow Organic or do you use fertilizer
I use compost only with no ferts added...but I have a fairly large compost pile I have been brewing for the last 20 years...
So I basically take that and hump up a pile on the ground of 4 to 6 wheelbarrows worth on top of last years bed.
Someone once told me fan leaves are like solar panels collecting energy. Never understood defoliation

I didn't either until I my buddy decided to show me and ran the same clones start to finish half defoliated and half not, the half that were defoliated produced a substantial amount more cannabis due to light penetration.

What do you mean when you say, "a damn mess"?

It produced a substantial amount of branching compared to the other clones that were cut earlier and did not have to reveg, they are thin branches off of branches, it is just a mess to me (at least compared to my other crimson crystal). This is a pic of it.

Yes central Ontario.
Last year I had 13 plants start all by themselves from seeds that had fallen off the crop from the fall before and over wintered in the garden...of the 13 total .... 7 were males which I killed and the rest I used a bait plants this past summer.
One of my neighbours up the road or upwind at least ....must of had a male plant...because the odd bud would have 2 or 3 seeds in them...
This strain is very accustomed to our climate and will finish up end of sept to end of oct....
but will also take the frost 5 or 6 times...without much degradation
Do you think maybe the plant just got big enough that it tried to reproduce instead of a neighbors male pollinating?
I read sometimes a bigger plant will throw out a few seeds to reproduce?
Oh hey...It's not like I need to grow it. I just enjoy doing it, so losses are losses. But I haven't thought about doing outdoors since the 90s, because (at least back then in BC) I was under the impression that getting more than a QP from an outdoor was unlikely, so I've always concentrated on indoors. Then there is the quality issue.
But just as something to have around as a compliment (and gift), it would be worth doing, especially since I already do veggies. I'll just turn the squash box into a kush box. :lol:
If I can screen it adequately, then I should be able to get a decent amount. A pound would be great from an outdoor for me, with plenty to give away.
That would be a very easy target to reach...
Do you think maybe the plant just got big enough that it tried to reproduce instead of a neighbors male pollinating?
I read sometimes a bigger plant will throw out a few seeds to reproduce?
Quite possible...the strain is really stable indoors but really thrives in the outdoor environment.
and the little corral they are in is all ladies....so it may just be a self preservation trick.
Wtf lol. This plant Ceases to amaze me.

This plant actually buckled under its own weight, that's why the one tie is going to the bottom of the tent from just above the coco. I ended up having to tie it there and to a few plant support spikes I had just to give it another 2 days of life.
I have tried mesh which worked good on the ball shaped plants from other years that were clones...
and a greenhouse frame that my goof neighbour complained to the city about. Just because she is a total C--T but it worked great to support plants that were 9 to 14 feet high from seed plants....with a natural shape to them.

here is my goof neighbour and her drunken driving skills....what a dumb bitch....View attachment 4069274
Wow . Lol. Glad I don’t have neighbors that speak up lol.
I was under the impression that getting more than a QP from an outdoor was unlikely, so I've always concentrated on indoors.
More than a qp outdoors is unlikely? Are you talking about cannabis?:hug:

My last grow will show you, I butchered the hell out of them as well. The one pheno will look a lot like this most likely https://www.rollitup.org/attachments/20171123_220329_hdr-jpg.4047343/ and the other will be a more squat plant with much denser buds. That plant was 2.5ft tall or so and I pulled 170-180g from it iirc.
She's a real beaut eh?
I use compost only with no ferts added...but I have a fairly large compost pile I have been brewing for the last 20 years...
So I basically take that and hump up a pile on the ground of 4 to 6 wheelbarrows worth on top of last years bed.
Nice! I’m glad I can reuse my pots and only have to buy another 3 yards for next season for the 6 plants.