It is completely ideology because your statement requires you dismiss information to continue believing it. Even if we completely ignore the idea that gender is a social construct and is fluid (I do not have an opinion on this honestly), to think that biologically in a organism as complex as humans that it is as simple as xx/xy is foolish and ignores long accepted science (we have known about intersex for centuries).
Humans have had far stranger things happen than their brain telling them (and this being verifiable on an MRI) that their gender is not what they appear on the outside.. there was a guy who fathered his absorbed twins baby, creating a baby whose actual father never existed as anything more than a mass of cellular material in the womb.
Ok let's point out some basic things that require nothing but logic and eyes and a bit of common sense.
I am a man. I have a naturally functional penis. I have gotten women pregnant and have two beautiful children. I have a naturally deep voice and sasquatch like body hair. I have yet to meet even a physically fit women who is stronger than myself. Even if they are 200 pounds more than me.
A women has a naturally functioning vagina. They can get pregnant. They can carry a human life and create it inside them. Which I'm my opinion is a very beautiful thing.
If a transgender man or women is whatever they say they Are, then why are surgery and hormonal intervention required to create a faux sense of these abilities?
Oh because men are men and women are women and no knife or needle can change that.
Yes there have been studies that show a "male and female" brain. What they dont tell you in these studies is that the brain starts to change ONLY after the individual has been given hormones and hormone blockers.
These are basic differences but we could elaborate. Have you seen the rapper that enters a women's weight lifting competition in the UK, simply because he Identifies as a women. (He just does it to prove a point btw). He's against women who have been training FOR YEARS. He's of average physical condition and he broke world records. Mainstream media doesn't cover things like this because it has been proven to have a left leaning bias.
Don't believe everything you read on the internet. Believe the things that are blatantly right in front of your face.