2020 Election- The national IQ test


Well-Known Member
56 days from election day, the labor day weekend is done and the shit storm will begin in earnest. Donald's TV ads have to go off the air because he stole and mismanaged the campaign money and he is consistently behind Biden by almost 10 points in the polls. Trumps is improperly using the WH and federal property as a political backdrop, and spewing constant lies and disinformation. He is the worse possible example of a human being, much less a president, he has an IQ or 78 and the undying support of 40% of the country. He recently called serving military and veterans suckers and losers, he is a typical low IQ sociopath. Trump a real and present danger to the country who has demonstrated it repeatedly, the best models predict over 400,000 dead Americans by the year's end. He also happens to be a corrupt criminal, a fascist and a literal traitor. His supporters don't have a problem with any of it, including disenfranchising and removing the rights from their fellow citizens, other things are more important to them.

Donald's shit show continues, Joe is taking Abe Lincoln's advice, never wrestle in the mud with a pig, you'll get all dirty and the pig will enjoy it. The Lincoln Project and other anti Trump groups are doing a pretty good job of pig wrestling for Joe, he doesn't need to get shit on his shoe. It looks locked in, the battle ground states are now red states, it's even tight in Texas FFS! Joe is raising lot's of bucks and will start spending it in the close red states over the next 50 days, if ads can have any impact in this election, his adds will have the best chance and will focus on the future and how to solve problems, not create them.
Yer lawyer called again with some pro bono legal advice for citizens.
DeJoy exposed for pressuring his employees to donate to Republicans. Campaign Finance Violations?

The Washington Post revealed that, as CEO of a North Carolina firm, New Breed Logistic, Louis DeJoy pressured employees to make campaign contributions to Republican candidates. DeJoy would then reportedly arrange to give bonuses to those employees who contributed as reimbursement. This conduct would violate both federal and North Carolina state campaign finance laws. Of course, AG Bill Barr is not likely to investigate or charge Postmaster General DeJoy - or any member of Trump's administration - for federal crimes as that could result in someone like DeJoy cooperating with prosecutors and providing information and evidence that could be damaging to Trump. However, North Carolina can and should investigate Dejoy for possible violations of North Carolina law. If the Post reporting is accurate, it looks like DeJoy may be going to DeJail.
Biden Up By Nine Points In Pennsylvania, Poll Shows | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Joe Biden is leading Donald Trump 53 to 44 percent in Pennsylvania, according to new NBC News/Marist polling, and Biden is leading in the state among suburban voters, voters with college degrees and women.
Biden And Trump Tied In Florida, Yet Biden Leads Among Key Groups | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Joe Biden and President Trump are tied in Florida among likely voters, according to new NBC News/Marist polling, yet Biden is up in the state with Black voters, women voters and Independents.
Cohen: Trump Didn't Want To Win; 2016 Campaign Was Just A Branding Opportunity | MSNBC

Michael Cohen, former personal attorney to Donald Trump, and author of the newly published, "Disloyal," talks with Rachel Maddow about how Donald Trump saw Russian oligarchs as a potential source of investment and hoped his presidential campaign would raise the profile of his brand internationally.

Cohen: ‘I Was Acting At The Direction Of And For The Benefit Of Mr. Trump… To Protect Him’ | MSNBC
One-On-One With Michael Cohen: Trump ‘Should Resign Now’ | NBC Nightly News

In a network exclusive, Lester Holt interviews Michael Cohen, who calls President Trump a racist “cult leader” and says he “lost his moral compass” working for Trump. The White House has called Cohen’s new book “fan fiction.”
My question to Cohen would be why did he bring up introducing a Saudi Prince who wanted to invest $5 billion in the American shell company to Trump then say nothing came of it in his book.

After only a couple years at the time working with Trump, does he really think that after how far he came, that Trump truly trusted him enough to tell him about whatever they cooked up in their time together because he made an introduction?

I think that is a 'I didn't out you boss, don't worry' couple sentences in the book, unless something changes in the last 20% of his book, it was very odd comment in it that doesn't really fit (IMO, which is why I would ask about that). Although I guess National Enquirer's Pecker might be the unraveling of the Saudi connection to Trump.
Seems President Trump has run his reelection campaign into financial distress, a status that will not surprise those familiar with the Trump Taj Mahal, the Trump Castle, the Trump Plaza Atlantic City, the Trump Plaza New York, Trump Hotels and Casino Resorts, Trump Entertainment Resorts, the Trump Tower Tampa, the Trump Shuttle, Trump: The Game, Trump magazine, Trump Mortgage, Trump Steaks, Trump mattresses, Trump pillows, Trump perfume, Trump shirts, Trump underwear, Trump shoes, Trump eyeglasses, Trump University, Trump Vodka, the Trump Foundation and the U.S. Treasury.

56 days from election day, the labor day weekend is done and the shit storm will begin in earnest. Donald's TV ads have to go off the air because he stole and mismanaged the campaign money and he is consistently behind Biden by almost 10 points in the polls. Trumps is improperly using the WH and federal property as a political backdrop, and spewing constant lies and disinformation. He is the worse possible example of a human being, much less a president, he has an IQ or 78 and the undying support of 40% of the country. He recently called serving military and veterans suckers and losers, he is a typical low IQ sociopath. Trump a real and present danger to the country who has demonstrated it repeatedly, the best models predict over 400,000 dead Americans by the year's end. He also happens to be a corrupt criminal, a fascist and a literal traitor. His supporters don't have a problem with any of it, including disenfranchising and removing the rights from their fellow citizens, other things are more important to them.

Donald's shit show continues, Joe is taking Abe Lincoln's advice, never wrestle in the mud with a pig, you'll get all dirty and the pig will enjoy it. The Lincoln Project and other anti Trump groups are doing a pretty good job of pig wrestling for Joe, he doesn't need to get shit on his shoe. It looks locked in, the battle ground states are now red states, it's even tight in Texas FFS! Joe is raising lot's of bucks and will start spending it in the close red states over the next 50 days, if ads can have any impact in this election, his adds will have the best chance and will focus on the future and how to solve problems, not create them.

do i really need to say it again?

and yet no one is ___________________________. (stopping him)

we fool ourselves about 11/3..it's going to to come down to about 8 states and the very evil Electoral College..polling nationally takes into account a bunch of shite in our big blue's that are delivering a false sense of security.

then of course the loser will cheat to make it even more interesting..and you have yourself a- dictator.

no Obama..no Supremes or USPS Governors for you!..what did he do about? norms and decorum; peaceful transfer of power..no you don't want to get down there with the pig but they go low doesn't mean we let them leave Doc Marten tracks on our backs.. savvy?
McCaskill: Trump Speaking to Bob Woodward 18x Was Testament To His ‘Ultimate Stupidity’ | MSNBC

Former Missouri Senator Claire McCaskill blasts Trump’s decision to speak with Bob Woodward 18 times for Woodward’s upcoming book because of the journalist’s past critiques of presidential administrations.
I wonder if this and disrespecting the military will cost him a point or two, facts don't matter to most morons, but I'm sure it will make a few of them stay home at least.
"Blood On His Hands": WH Medical Veteran Hits Trump As He Admits Virus Scam On Tape | MSNBC

President Trump admits he knew how deadly the coronavirus was in February, before the virus even hit the U.S., in newly released interviews with reporter Bob Woodward. Former White House medical expert Dr. Zeke Emanuel says the tapes show Trump knowingly misled the public and put politics above policy, leaving “blood on his hands,” in this excerpt of his interview with MSNBC’s Ari Melber.
A lot of Americans I've seen on video are very pissed about the revelations of the Woodward book, you can see it with the commentators and journalists. You can also tell Beau is pissed about it too, Trump knew how bad it was on Feb 7th, everything since was a lie and dereliction of duty that costs over 100, 000 lives. People can forgive mistakes, but now that we know he knew and understood on Feb 7, it moves it into the territory of the unforgivable for many. He knew about masks and the importance of airborne transmission then too, he publicly attacked mask wearing and held super spreader events like rallies where he infected his supporters.

Canada has a little less than 10,000 covid deaths, the US population is 8.6 times larger, so in US terms, if the pandemic was properly managed (we were about average internationally), America should have less than 90,000 dead, not 200,000, so far. Trump and the republicans (governors too) are responsible for about 110,000 unnecessary deaths so far, for sure, even with responsible government (and citizens) America would have had a serious challenge, not he public health and economic catastrophe it currently has.
Let's talk about Trump's admission of downplaying....
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