2020 Election- The national IQ test

This might make a good thread, exit polls from early in person voting, that should give a good "feel" for the mood of the electorate.

Since there is early in person voting in 3 states right now and they were interviewing voters from the heavy turn out. I was wondering if anybody heard anything about exit polling? There should be exit polls from early voting!
Democrat Leads Polls In Arizona Race That Could Flip Senate Majority | Craig Melvin | MSNBC

Arizona Democratic Senate challenger Mark Kelly is up nearly 30 points in a new poll against Republican incumbent Martha McSally. Many believe the state's U.S. Senate race could prove pivotal to flipping the Senate majority in November.
Federal Judge To Postmaster General DeJoy: Fix What You Broke | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC

Rachel Maddow reports on a federal judge's temporary injunction against the changes made by Louis DeJoy that have slowed down U.S. Postal Service deliveries and threatened the timely return of mail-in ballots in the 2020 election.
This might make a good thread, exit polls from early in person voting, that should give a good "feel" for the mood of the electorate.

Since there is early in person voting in 3 states right now and they were interviewing voters from the heavy turn out. I was wondering if anybody heard anything about exit polling? There should be exit polls from early voting!

so if the exit crowd is left leaning; exit polling stops in the US.
Federal Judge To Postmaster General DeJoy: Fix What You Broke | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC

Rachel Maddow reports on a federal judge's temporary injunction against the changes made by Louis DeJoy that have slowed down U.S. Postal Service deliveries and threatened the timely return of mail-in ballots in the 2020 election.

we've had our first snow already..good luck putting that scrap metal back together again.

so if the exit crowd is left leaning; exit polling stops in the US.
That would take a federal or state law and that won't happen. If the democrats win you will have mail in and early voting along with an election "week", not day, in all 50 states. The heat will be on for it even in what's left of Trumpland, formerly known as Dixieland, Donald will shatter the solid south. If Trump loses Florida on election night the networks will call it, not Trump.

Exit polling will give the best indication of the results and as we get closer to election day there will be more in person early voting, turnout and exit polls will tell you a lot about the future, Donald clearly does not like what he is seeing today. We should see some exit polls soon. (:
That would take a federal or state law and that won't happen. If the democrats win you will have mail in and early voting along with an election "week", not day, in all 50 states. The heat will be on for it even in what's left of Trumpland, formerly known as Dixieland, Donald will shatter the solid south. If Trump loses Florida on election night the networks will call it, not Trump.

Exit polling will give the best indication of the results and as we get closer to election day there will be more in person early voting, turnout and exit polls will tell you a lot about the future, Donald clearly does not like what he is seeing today. We should see some exit polls soon. (:

florida is where he's looking why bloomberg is dropping that $100M for clarity. no more hanging chads or some donald trump-type that you just can't shut the fuck up already about a birth certificate..oh wait..
the republican controlled supreme court will guarantee trumps reelection....
Well the courts ain't too friendly so far, this ruling along with the USPS injunction is a real kick in the nuts for Trump. Also I think in person early voting exit polls are gonna be important, we should be seeing them soon and I don't think Donald is gonna like them at all, he doesn't like the large turn outs either.
The truly shocking thing is according to the most recent polling over 44% of Americans approve of the job Trump is doing, Jesus! 200,000 dead, headed for 400,000 and over 40% of the country doesn't know its ass from a hot fucking rock. If it does any good at all, it will be to make liberals and those who want responsible government vote in future years, now that they realize how many morons are in the country and how fragile freedom is. The choice is between freedom or fascism and almost half the country is so fucked up by bigotry and disinformation they don't know the difference.

This guy does a pretty good job on the polling with a detailed state by state analysis.
New Updated 2020 Electoral Map | 2020 Election Analysis
Trump and Biden are dead even in IOWA & Georgia!
New Polls In Key States Show Trump And Biden In A Dead Heat | Craig Melvin | MSNBC

Two new polls in Iowa and Georgia, key states for the White House, show President Trump and Democratic Nominee Joe Biden in a dead heat. NBC's Steve Kornacki joins MSNBC’s Craig Melvin to break down what is being seen in those states.
Trump and Biden are dead even in IOWA & Georgia!
New Polls In Key States Show Trump And Biden In A Dead Heat | Craig Melvin | MSNBC

Two new polls in Iowa and Georgia, key states for the White House, show President Trump and Democratic Nominee Joe Biden in a dead heat. NBC's Steve Kornacki joins MSNBC’s Craig Melvin to break down what is being seen in those states.
The problem with Iowa and Georgia will be voter suppressions efforts by the Republican state politicians in those states. Same with Florida and Texas, it is why our popular vote is screwed up
The problem with Iowa and Georgia will be voter suppressions efforts by the Republican state politicians in those states. Same with Florida and Texas, it is why our popular vote is screwed up
If the democrats pull off a hat trick (very likely) they will eliminate many of the republicans advantages with H.R.-1 which will be strengthened and resubmitted. There will be other laws centered around protecting the right to vote that will be hard to challenge, likewise with Medicare for all, legislation won't be a compromise that can be challenged in court easily. I strongly believe they will jump on Fox news with both feet, by simply enforcing existing law and regulation, they are a public menace and proved it with covid, time to go.

The democrats will have a far more level playing field in 2022, if they win and Donald's endless crimes and scandals will have a big impact. I expect over a thousand will end up in jail by then and many regular government employees who broke their oaths will be fired. They should be nervous about some of their remaining senate seats then too and of course the base will vomit up a bunch of real winners for candidates.