2021 Massachusetts Outdoor Growers

The actual referendum, note the distinction between “inside” and “in”. Also the gifting reference, that can’t be limited by the commission.View attachment 4918985

I'd like to believe in or inside means within the housing structure itself that has a roof and not outside where your not sheltered by natures elements but I see your perspective and how one can argue their way through this if LEO got involved.

That part is still vague and confusing. It doesn't say anything about timeframe for gifting. I could gift you an ounce a day for 10 days and still be legal. You could in turn gift me anything that has an equal market value. Same thing as selling in the end. Don't get me wrong, still way better than the prohibition days.

FACTS. I find it funny how the government is never clear. It's as if they will screw you in every possible way if they get to. Either way, I wish all who are outdoors a great season!
Here's what I'm pondering, its cant be visible to public unless you need binos, helicopter ,aircraft etc. Does that mean authorities cant count your grow that way.......I doubt it but
This is off topic but just killed another fn tick crawling on me. It's been a bad year so check yourselves boys and girls after playing in your gardens
Brutal. Hate these fuckers. They are in nyph phase and so small, real easy to miss. I lined the entire back edge of the property with bark mulch to create a barrier. Still find em.
Wanted to get chickens one bad yr I'm glad I watched my neighbor try it first. Birds were picked off long before the ticks. But I hear they're the best....
We have the lonestar tick now too. The ones that can make you severely allergic to red meat. I'd rather have lyme personally lol
We have the lonestar tick now too. The ones that can make you severely allergic to red meat. I'd rather have lyme personally lol

you don’t want Lyme either. My dad got it years ago. Shortly after he developed early onset dementia which I personally believe was from the Lyme (if you look it up it’s a rare symptom but happens). He was in his 50s and passed away from it a 2 years ago
That part is still vague and confusing. It doesn't say anything about timeframe for gifting. I could gift you an ounce a day for 10 days and still be legal. You could in turn gift me anything that has an equal market value. Same thing as selling in the end. Don't get me wrong, still way better than the prohibition days.

TBH it isn't vague and confusing, it's plain as day. If you're gifting in return for something of value, it isn't legal. What that means in practice... what you'll get away with, in terms of simply never getting caught, or the powers that be not seeing an individual person as being worth their while, not to mention what can or can't be proven in court, is a different matter. How does what transpires between two friends come to the attention of the authorities anyway? When it comes down to it, the "no gifting for compensation" rule is there to ensure people aren't dealing canna on a commercial level under the guise of gifting that just happens to be followed by a monetary donation (not to mention the classic set-up of the $50 tshirt that comes with a bag).
As for what is or isn't a plant, you need to look at the definitions section of the regulations.
you don’t want Lyme either. My dad got it years ago. Shortly after he developed early onset dementia which I personally believe was from the Lyme (if you look it up it’s a rare symptom but happens). He was in his 50s and passed away from it a 2 years ago
Dam man sorry to hear that . Belated condolences. You must be a fairly young guy. I lost my dad unexpectedly when I was young too he was also a young 53.
What if you live in a multi-family home? Is each unit a residence or is the entire multifamily considered one residence? If I'm in a three family home, can me and my neighbor's have 18 plants Outdoors, six each? Or can we have 36 plants Outdoors 12 each, if there's two people living in each unit of the three family?