I can see what you were trying to tell me earlier regarding the height now (they looked shorter in that long range view) Still it must be pretty hard to complain with that density, again some very purdy ladies! Kudos!View attachment 4959424
Is she close to harvest lmao jk
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I get it, doesn’t make them any less gorgeous to an outsider though lol, given mine are on a deck in a fairly populated neighborhood area (1st outdoor, 8+ years indoors) I strived for a low profile grow too. I topped (3) times early for (Thanks ya its not that i dont want big but im one guy and needing a ladder to inspect and treat adds alot of time in the garden pros and cons lol
I get it, doesn’t make them any less gorgeous to an outsider though lol, given mine are on a deck in a fairly populated neighborhood area (1st outdoor, 8+ years indoors) I strived for a low profile grow too. I topped (3) times early for (main colas (Not sure I’d do that again given it seems to weaken the base joints)... but they’re still about ~6’ tall but not nearly as dense as I’d like them (why I drool when I see yours lol). Of course the 45 gallon pots they’re in are 18” deep too, so I’m paying attention to the overall 7 1/2’ height right now too. Not that I can do anything about it in stretch anyway.
The pools I anticipated would “hold” water for the greater good in times of “drought”, instead we had a freak’n July with ~24 out of 31 days with rain. So my $5 ea Petco investment went down the tubes as the doggy pools filled up and mandatory drainage became a real thing. Lol (drill sound here lol)you might be a stoner if you have a receipt for 4 kiddy pools
Good luck id hit them with something preventive if you haven't already
In my indoors I used to do a 55 gallon res. Air stones, and a mondi (spelling could be off) in water pump. Attached to a wonder wand. I used to do all that deck sprayers and back pack sprayers….. shits for the birds. I like that upgrade stick with it.I made a major upgrade to the greenhouse today ... i tried to tell my wife all about it, but she doesn't give a shit... so I figured I'd share it with all you guys instead...
I've been using a pump sprayer for years ... it fkn blows especially late in the season when the plants are huge. It takes fifteen refills, a thousand pumps, and about an hour to spray everything ... not to mention cleaning clogged tips and all that ... I just reduced that to about ten minutes total.
I added an on demand spraying pump today and it works pisser. It can pull directly from either my 10 gallon brewing bucket, 55 gallon mixing drum, or the rainwater collection drums. It transfers at about 3 GPM and sprays like a champ. I'm eventually going to build a better manifold for it, but for now this works fine. I think I'll keep it.
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