PVOG<‐‐‐‐BOING, BOING, BOING. Hey, guess whose back? Wow what a messed up last and first month of the year. Great to be alive, although homebound, (bedbound truth be told) but what a time, couldn't pick better, to be down. Back on my feet in April may they say. The Whitecoats.
Anyway, great to see the regs. I been networking like mofo, and this year's gonna be off the chain ⛓ ⛓
Here's some of last year's yummiest. Came from (back in the day) Mass Medical Star Pupil parentage. Then became Putang. Yea, she looks as good as she smokes. Gonna be doing
some testing for Breeders & companies this year, which I hope adds to my resume as I'm beginning to form my own brand.
Cannabis Control Commission Feb 15th, via zoom, and I will be attending. It appears one can get a license for $100 for up to 5000 square feet.
I'm going to plead my case as such: you want to clear out the black market then give us little guys options. Because we can pay taxes too. All I'd like to do is grow some plants and create my own strains and offer the seeds to the regular people that can't afford dispensary prices. Right now I donate most of my medicine to those with medical issues. Cancer, anxiety, depression. There should be a way to help people, employ people when necessary, and contribute to my grandkids college fund, becom a contributing member of society, all the while paying taxes that contribute to the state.
That's kinda my pitch in a nutshell.
It's really kind of a Grey area in Mass, but if I can get my foot in the door....