2023 Massachusetts Outdoor Growers

Starting to think about seed starting, but can't decide on what to put outdoors this year. Any go-to strains for our growing window?
Did sweet Afghai delicious and purple maroc last couple of years but will be doing freezeland and serious 6 and maybe biddy early this year plus krippleberry auto.
PVOG<‐‐‐‐BOING, BOING, BOING. Hey, guess whose back? Wow what a messed up last and first month of the year. Great to be alive, although homebound, (bedbound truth be told) but what a time, couldn't pick better, to be down. Back on my feet in April may they say. The Whitecoats.
Anyway, great to see the regs. I been networking like mofo, and this year's gonna be off the chain ⛓ ⛓ 20221017_204239 (2).jpg

Here's some of last year's yummiest. Came from (back in the day) Mass Medical Star Pupil parentage. Then became Putang. Yea, she looks as good as she smokes. Gonna be doing
some testing for Breeders & companies this year, which I hope adds to my resume as I'm beginning to form my own brand.

Cannabis Control Commission Feb 15th, via zoom, and I will be attending. It appears one can get a license for $100 for up to 5000 square feet.
I'm going to plead my case as such: you want to clear out the black market then give us little guys options. Because we can pay taxes too. All I'd like to do is grow some plants and create my own strains and offer the seeds to the regular people that can't afford dispensary prices. Right now I donate most of my medicine to those with medical issues. Cancer, anxiety, depression. There should be a way to help people, employ people when necessary, and contribute to my grandkids college fund, becom a contributing member of society, all the while paying taxes that contribute to the state.

That's kinda my pitch in a nutshell.
It's really kind of a Grey area in Mass, but if I can get my foot in the door....
First, hope you mend up quick. Second, FUCK MASSACHUSETTS! These mofos get enough of my money. Clear out the black market? Give the little guy a chance? Thats real cool of you to go to the state and argue against home cultivation. All you want to do is grow some strains and give seeds to people who can’t afford it but you’ll be cheaper? Not and survive.Right now you donate to most to sick people? Good for you but its disingenuous because now you want something from them for it right? There is a way to help people, keep doing what your doing. If your concerned about your grandkids college maybe take the tens to hundreds thousands it will take and put it in their account instead of gambling with it.And not paying unnecessary taxes. I hope you do good explaining to the politicians why homegrows/ black market needs to be stopped so little guys can pay taxes…..
Thats my take in a nutshell
Is the Cannabis Control Commission hearing to hear public input on drafting regulations to implement the so-called “hardship” part of the legalization law?

Regardless, the CCC cannot alter the underlying state law that allows personal cultivation of up to 6 plants per individual up to a maximum of 12 on a property. Only the state legislature can do that. And since even they must adhere to the provisions of the ballot initiative that legalized recreational pot including homegrown, the courts would quickly toss any attempt to take that right away.
I'm going to plead my case as such: you want to clear out the black market then give us little guys options. Because we can pay taxes too
This is nuts to me. What little guys? Homegrowers? That is the blackmarket in essence. Option to pay more taxes?
All I'd like to do is grow some plants and create my own strains and offer the seeds to the regular people that can't afford dispensary prices. Right now I donate most of my medicine to those with medical issues. Cancer, anxiety, depression. There should be a way to help people,
Why cant you? You already do . Do they prefer a seed over a sack?
Idk much about how laws are made or changed but i know they do. Our “ right” to grow is a privilege not a right and can be taken away just like your driver license.
All im saying is there’s perfectly good routes to starting up if you want or can without throwing black market and taxes out there. Home cultivation screws the dispo out of taxable earnings which cuts into the states taxes. If taxachusetts is the state ive lived in for life, they are already trying to figure out how to stop home cultivation. Maybe why the laws are vague in some areas. They use the grey too
Whats to stop them from making a home grow need some kind of license/ inspection Like fishing or driving?
@PioneerValleyOG … Sad to hear of your difficult couple of months but glad to hear your on the road back to health! The nug looks pretty sweet for sure. I’ve grown some MMS’s Prayer Pupil in the past with some pretty worthy results as well.

As far as going commercial with the state… I just really have no interest in such a move. I don‘t necessarily have the same strong perspective as @bam0813 but I can relate to his point of view and I’m hard pressed to believe that this state would give up 5k feet of legit licensing for a mere $100. Just knowing this state, that’s a tough one to swallow. Good luck as long as it doesn’t affect this man’s own joyful hobby! Lol ;-)
Thats all im really getting at. Imo hes way way better doing what hes doing than putting out the kind of money it would ultimately take. This state wants every penny from everywhere. No need to even discuss the “ black” market because that puts attention into home grows imo and it won’t be long before things change i think in the sense that they are going to want money from them/ us somehow twether its a permit or something else. They could change limits etc also. They already want the black market gone and that puts homegrow in the sights imo.Its a tough business is my understanding and seems like a huge risk. We’re all here every day talking about growing and how bad the dispos are price and quality……. So i don’t understand the motivation
I like and respect you pvog i just see it different
@PioneerValleyOG … Sad to hear of your difficult couple of months but glad to hear your on the road back to health! The nug looks pretty sweet for sure. I’ve grown some MMS’s Prayer Pupil in the past with some pretty worthy results as well.

As far as going commercial with the state… I just really have no interest in such a move. I don‘t necessarily have the same strong perspective as @bam0813 but I can relate to his point of view and I’m hard pressed to believe that this state would give up 5k feet of legit licensing for a mere $100. Just knowing this state, that’s a tough one to swallow. Good luck as long as it doesn’t affect this man’s own joyful hobby! Lol ;-)

That’s kind of my take too, remember that the legalization ballot question was really the work of pre-existing cannabis industry mega corporations in places like Colorado and Washington state, and was not remotely homegrown (pun intended). Allowing limited home growing was only a sop to get enough votes - if they’d thought it could pass offering only retail recreational use, they’d have happily gone that route and taken our money too!
Thats all im really getting at. Imo hes way way better doing what hes doing than putting out the kind of money it would ultimately take. This state wants every penny from everywhere. No need to even discuss the “ black” market because that puts attention into home grows imo and it won’t be long before things change i think in the sense that they are going to want money from them/ us somehow twether its a permit or something else. They could change limits etc also. They already want the black market gone and that puts homegrow in the sights imo.Its a tough business is my understanding and seems like a huge risk. We’re all here every day talking about growing and how bad the dispos are price and quality……. So i don’t understand the motivation
I like and respect you pvog i just see it different
They changed the homegrowing law here with a simple swipe of the pen went from 6per person to three per person for rec. So we all went back to med cards that allows 6 per person.
Agree. They ( mega corporations)offered that up as a compromise to make sure they won and could expand their mega business correct?not because they want everyone in on it, they had to.Well they did win and now the state can figure out how much potential revenue its costing the industry( big maybe not mega corp) in the state who they get paid from. MA or any gov is greedy and will eventually see it as middle men and want their cut from somewhere
We’ve woken up here and had rights spoken of in the constitution gone. Im not so confident these “rights” are set in stone
Right now the large companies are busy lobbying the legislature trying to do away with the up to 3% local municipal impact fee. This is a fee that cities and towns could negotiate into their local Host Community Agreements with the retailers, in addition to the 3% local tax allowed by state law.

Problem is that it’s impossible for cities and towns to prove what costs they incurred as a result of legalization (if there really even are any). And the big corporations knew that they could eventually weasel out by saying “Prove your police dept. spent another half mil dealing with legalization in your city, Mister Mayor.” They started doing that a couple of years ago. And now that it’s been shown to be useless, they don’t even want to pay their lawyers to fight the cities and towns, which is why they want to ditch it altogether. Total bait and switch.

Actually, no, I don't want anything from my sick friends I give weed to. Don't know what's up with the attitude, you sound very unhappy.
I'd just like to be able to do seed sales without gong to jail.

@Poco56 here's a link

Ya I missed the 50,000 fee
But there may be a cheaper way, through Delivery Only or even Delivery Endorsement. I missed the last meeting because wife left laptop just out of my reach. Won't know until I try.

If Massachusetts is soooo bad, why not pack your shit and move?


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