2023 Massachusetts Outdoor Growers

Well, someone's doing commercial outdoor in Massachusetts.

Question I have is how successful is an outdoor commercial grow in Massachusetts?

"The Cannabis Control Commission has authorized more than 1.1 million square feet of indoor marijuana cultivation compared to up to 285,000 square feet of outdoor cultivation, according to its licensing data"
"Nova Farms, which has been growing cannabis in the Berkshires in Massachusetts since 2018, was one of the very first growers on the East Coast to receive an outdoor license. Anthony Bowen, director of cultivation, oversees 100,000 square feet of crops for the company. In 2021, he planted autoflower plants in early May and harvested them in early July. He said full-season crops normally must be harvested in September, although if the weather cooperates the season can be pushed a little longer. He hopes eventually to squeeze in three, or possibly four, greenhouse harvests per year. "

100,000 sq ft is alittle over 2 acres and it sounds like greenhouses . That put 285,000 around 5-6 acres in the entire state with the percentage of that being greenhouse is unknown. I wonder if the few outdoor crops have been decimated by this disease already as the article speaks of indoor grows? Seems logical they would suffer first if its transmitted through leafhoppers/ bugs
Now now boys, no brawling on the thread LOL

I believe some of the commercial indoor grows utilize some outdoor space but 28500sqft in a state is nothing

Right, we are talking not even ten acres. I know someone locally who was looking into growing outdoors commercially in hoop houses, but my take is that the combination of wet falls and crazy regulatory difficulty to deal with mold makes it nigh impossible to do that here with any predictability or profitability. I think of the time I put into monitoring not even 20 plants for PM, mold, unfriendly bugs and so forth, and then imagine how labor-intensive it would be to have a 20 acre farm.
@PioneerValleyOG i didn’t mean it to attack you personally. I could have worded my question/ point better. I probably just had my taxbill out lol. Maybe I missed the seed part but I still stand by your crazy to invest the real cost to sell seeds in an already crowded market with lots of failures imo . Thats what I meant by gambling, not that you were a blowing the grandkids college fund on keno haha.
anyway good luck
AmeriCann and Bask operate a big greenhouse in Freetown MA that seems to be doing well for them!

"The company attributed the increase in financial performance to greater revenue received from products produced and manufactured at Building 1, the Company’s initial building at its Massachusetts Cannabis Center development in Freetown, Massachusetts. Building 1 is a 30,000-square-foot cultivation greenhouse and processing facility that utilizes AmeriCann’s proprietary “Cannopy” cultivation system. Building 1 is fully occupied by Bask Inc., an existing Massachusetts-licensed vertically integrated cannabis operator.

AmeriCann said it receives base rent and a revenue participation fee of 15% of all gross monthly sales of cannabis, cannabis-infused products and non-cannabis products produced at the Massachusetts Cannabis Center.

AmeriCann said it is in the final design phase of the expansion of its MCC development in Freetown, Massachusetts. The company said it has secured provisional cultivation and manufacturing licenses for the MCC. The next phase of the Massachusetts Cannabis Center calls for up to 60,000 square feet of extraction, manufacturing, and distribution infrastructure and approximately 160,000 square feet of additional cannabis cultivation infrastructure."

PVOG<‐‐‐‐BOING, BOING, BOING. Hey, guess whose back? Wow what a messed up last and first month of the year. Great to be alive, although homebound, (bedbound truth be told) but what a time, couldn't pick better, to be down. Back on my feet in April may they say. The Whitecoats.
Anyway, great to see the regs. I been networking like mofo, and this year's gonna be off the chain ⛓ ⛓ View attachment 5259777

Here's some of last year's yummiest. Came from (back in the day) Mass Medical Star Pupil parentage. Then became Putang. Yea, she looks as good as she smokes. Gonna be doing
some testing for Breeders & companies this year, which I hope adds to my resume as I'm beginning to form my own brand.

Cannabis Control Commission Feb 15th, via zoom, and I will be attending. It appears one can get a license for $100 for up to 5000 square feet.
I'm going to plead my case as such: you want to clear out the black market then give us little guys options. Because we can pay taxes too. All I'd like to do is grow some plants and create my own strains and offer the seeds to the regular people that can't afford dispensary prices. Right now I donate most of my medicine to those with medical issues. Cancer, anxiety, depression. There should be a way to help people, employ people when necessary, and contribute to my grandkids college fund, becom a contributing member of society, all the while paying taxes that contribute to the state.

That's kinda my pitch in a nutshell.
It's really kind of a Grey area in Mass, but if I can get my foot in the door....
I have been strongly considering growing Star Pupil , I think you twisted my arm
Bam call me crazy, and I know you must still romanticize the Black Market, and I used to as well. But the facts are one can not survive selling weed without taking extreme risks. Like moving bulk out of state. The old days are gone and as an example, people are buying and selling sticky bud for $50 an oz to compete with Ripspensaries.
Since ripspensaries have '28% thc' it's all the sheep want.
I'm simply looking for another way. I could give all my weed away and would if it was the right venue. It's become more for me about the grow than the high. There, I said it.
If I can 'survive' by growing for Breeders as a tester, selling a few clones and seeds, then why not?
I'm too old to be outrunning the cops with a trunk full of weed anymore. I think.
Lot less stress than having to worry about crop rot and spider mites and curing to the exact hour.
Shoot, my stress would be over by summer, not just starting.

Just because you can't see my dream, please don't shit all over it.

I forgive ya @bam0813 , it's not like I never had some choice words to say in one of these rooms. And we been tight for a minute, hope to keep it that way.
I hear ya man wasn’t trying to shit on the dream I see it i see lots of dreams but i tend to be more of a realist. Maybe thats why i haven’t achieved all my dreams but have achieved many too. Surviving is tough but i don’t romanticize the black market and don’t sell anything. We’re on the net but lots of music artists did and do very well selling CDs on the cheap from their trunk without any label “helping “.;) Again no offense meant and best of luck. Thats a real pretty nug btw
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Bam call me crazy, and I know you must still romanticize the Black Market, and I used to as well. But the facts are one can not survive selling weed without taking extreme risks. Like moving bulk out of state. The old days are gone and as an example, people are buying and selling sticky bud for $50 an oz to compete with Ripspensaries.
Since ripspensaries have '28% thc' it's all the sheep want.
I'm simply looking for another way. I could give all my weed away and would if it was the right venue. It's become more for me about the grow than the high. There, I said it.
If I can 'survive' by growing for Breeders as a tester, selling a few clones and seeds, then why not?
I'm too old to be outrunning the cops with a trunk full of weed anymore. I think.
Lot less stress than having to worry about crop rot and spider mites and curing to the exact hour.
Shoot, my stress would be over by summer, not just starting.

Just because you can't see my dream, please don't shit all over it.

I forgive ya @bam0813 , it's not like I never had some choice words to say in one of these rooms. And we been tight for a minute, hope to keep it that way.
Who are some of these breeders you're testing for? Will you be doing indoor/outdoor?
Bam call me crazy, and I know you must still romanticize the Black Market, and I used to as well. But the facts are one can not survive selling weed without taking extreme risks. Like moving bulk out of state. The old days are gone and as an example, people are buying and selling sticky bud for $50 an oz to compete with Ripspensaries.
Since ripspensaries have '28% thc' it's all the sheep want.
I'm simply looking for another way. I could give all my weed away and would if it was the right venue. It's become more for me about the grow than the high. There, I said it.
If I can 'survive' by growing for Breeders as a tester, selling a few clones and seeds, then why not?
I'm too old to be outrunning the cops with a trunk full of weed anymore. I think.
Lot less stress than having to worry about crop rot and spider mites and curing to the exact hour.
Shoot, my stress would be over by summer, not just starting.

Just because you can't see my dream, please don't shit all over it.

I forgive ya @bam0813 , it's not like I never had some choice words to say in one of these rooms. And we been tight for a minute, hope to keep it that way.
Please explain this propensity for delivering in volume to the semi unidentified masses… Heck, you’d be taking on a pretty dollar invested project… with so many unknowns. Hell, I’m just happy I can grow legally now! Are you ready and have the patience to work through the government red tape process for a described expected minimal upside annual event? Maybe reaching out to a cannabis trade oriented attorney might be a venue of approach? Just say’n some of you guys on this thread are virtual neighbors per se and just want the best for whatever you’re trying to achieve! :D
Laws are very vague. There is no accommodation to buy seeds and clones in mass 'legally
Also, not clear, but something about a plant less than 4" isn't a 'plant'
Someone needs to really get it together.
Another option I was looking at was going into business as a Inspection or Certified Responsible Vendor Trainer. Both of these are mandatory requirements and shit let's face it, I'll never be hired as a Master Grower, but there are opportunities.
The breeders I grow for have privately contracted me after apparently reviewing some of my grow journals. I am growing both testers and established strains, maintaining a journal, photos, and my own grow style. I'm thinking they mainly want authentic pictures for their web sites, some of my pics have been used already. Unfortunately, I'm unable to disclose these breeders here, as I said, private contract, #2, others (not you guys) may try to approach and pester the breeders for their own ends.
I will say this....
There are sites where testers are sought. Sometimes they say, 'we need testers' but a couple times I've been approached by private message.
I will say this, in the last few months, seeds have rained down on me like, well, rain. I have so many beans and top shelf stuff it's just redonkulous. Pollen too. In fact, was just offered some prime Blue Kush pollen I can't wait to play with.
One of my goals is to continue to find a strain that resist rot, insects, is strong, has bag appeal, and I can say is mine. And trust me, I will be raining seeds on others too. Gotta give to get, and I love to gift.
Please explain this propensity for delivering in volume to the semi unidentified masses… Heck, you’d be taking on a pretty dollar invested project… with so many unknowns. Hell, I’m just happy I can grow legally now! Are you ready and have the patience to work through the government red tape process for a described expected minimal upside annual event? Maybe reaching out to a cannabis trade oriented attorney might be a venue of approach? Just say’n some of you guys on this thread are virtual neighbors per se and just want the best for whatever you’re trying to achieve! :D
Thats what I'm trying to ascertain, is there really that much red tape to just sell seeds, whether reselling or producing ones own? The answer is there shouldn't be.
Again, there's always the 'work around or the short cut.' I can sell you a comic book or a trading card and 'gifts you a pack of seeds. I'm not sure seeds even qualify as they are less than .03% thc or whatever.
It seems the more one digs, the more complicated it becomes.
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