Thinking I’ll put most of these in the ground after we get through the predicted mid-week chilly nights - although not the babies that were started late to replace seedlings that damped off, I’ll have to wait a couple more weeks for those to go out.
First up we have the Battle of the Afghans. On the left are 4 Mazar-I-Sharif from Baaba Qo Selections, long considered the top hash plants in the region for producing the famed Milk of Mazar hashish. On the right are 4 Panjshir from The Real Seed Co. that I chose due to the UN Office of Drug Control’s recent annual reports (recommendations lol?) stating that hash from Panjshir has overtaken Mazari as the priciest hash in the country -
The second pan has two Himalayan varieties from The Real Seed Co. On the left are 3 Dakshinkali from Nepal and on the right 4 Rasoli from India. 2 of the Rasoli are already telling me they are going to be stupid tall, while the other 2 had some weird albinism that slowed their growth - one grew past the albino bullshit and recovered into a normal shape, while the other’s apical meristem crapped out and now has two separate top branches. Looking forward to maybe making some hand-rubbed Temple Balls like we used to see back in the 70s, that I fondly recall as having a blissful spiritual buzz that made me One with the Universe while holding hands with the Buddha or some such nonsense lol -