2024 Election Discussion & Media Thread – Follow All Guidelines

I do try to see the positive though and believe everything happens for a reason so perhaps we really would have had a nuclear war under Harris due to North Korea and Russia so maybe shitty Trump getting elected is inadvertently saving us from something worse.
over a BJ 30 yrs ago
Right??? What's a little oral in the Oval office, right? Not like Bill broke any trust and used his power to assault a young intern. We'll leave out the cigar bit..

Anyways, IMO, MSM, celebrity endorsements and the DNC itself are all partly to blame for Kamalas loss. Msm gaslighted the public for years about Bidens health then acted surprised for a week after the debate disaster. Acting like they had no idea about his decline while the public knew full well his condition. Conveniently pretending to be shocked about it up until Kamala announced her running, which then the msm immediately got behind. There shouldn't be any blame put upon US citizens for not trusting the media. I also think MSM kept people home from voting, too much confidence behind Kamala made it look like she didn't need any votes.
The DNC was either going to try to run Biden, or completely run him over with the bus. No other dems could've gone up against Trump, so run Kamala. She has the experience, but more importantly it would start way more heat between the two presidential candidates.No other dem candidate would have done as well against Trump as Harris with only 4 months to election.

MSM has proven itself to be unreliable and untrustworthy. They are bought and paid for and American citizens are realizing that.

Dnc spent too much time trying to out Trump and not on connecting with new voters or finding a better candidate

Celebrity endorsement are pointless and possibly more damaging. Out of touch musicians/stars acting like they know what goes on in the middle class. Gtfoh. Hopefully both sides will stop with that nonsense.
welp the first 24hrs are up, and no stop to the Ukrainian war.......go figure.......

You'll have to make the same observation on Jan 21 once he is actually in a position to affect world policy.

The only way he is going to be able to stop the war in Ukraine is to convince Zelensky to cede lost territory to pootin and to do that he'll threaten to cut off future aid.

Then pootie will pat him on the head and say, Good boy. He'll think he's getting the love he never got from his father and ask, Which country can I get for you now daddy?

Only thing with Canada is it's expensive, taxed heavily especially in BC. BC=Bring Cash Alberta has less tax but, it isn't BC.

Alberta is going full maga so as a resident here I don't recommend it.

I'd move back to BC in a flash but couldn't afford to live in the Fraser Valley again unless I moved in with my sister or son.

If you avoid the lower mainland, Vancouver Island and big tourist areas there's lots of places in BC still fairly affordable.

Time to buy stocks in private prison companies.....
Trump's Planned Immigrant Purge Sends Stagnant Private Prison Stocks Soaring
"The GEO Group was built for this unique moment... and the opportunity that it will bring," said the firm's chair.

The chairperson of a leading U.S. private prison corporation on Thursday gushed over the "unprecedented opportunity" presented by the prospect of Republican President-elect Donald Trump delivering on his campaign promise to begin the mass deportation of unauthorized immigrants on his first day in office.

I don't think tRump and his minions have thought this whole 'purge' idea through.

Who do they think is going to plant and harvest all the labour intensive crops a lot of the US depends on for income?

With the Colorado river drying up great swaths of farmland is likely to go barren tho I'm pretty sure golf courses will remain green.

Maybe he's counting on musk to come up with solar-powered farmer robots ready to take over by next spring.

Or they could bring back chain gangs and put all those captured 'illegals' and those idle guys just hanging around the crowded prisons out to work.

Not sure if it would be a good look tho. Rows of black guys chained together picking cotton in 110° heat while singing minstrel songs.

Who am I kidding. Considering how many opted for the Orange Messiah he'll win bigly again in '28 just for that. :(

GOP isnt below paying a bunch of people to put on blackface and pretend to work, saying how much of a privilege it is to serve - as a publicity stunt. They already hired non-union scabs to show up in union t shirts to cheer his “no tax on overtime” announcement, a bunch of white MAGAs to fill a black church and cheer for him, made AI “swifties” commercials “supporting“ him, and made a whole fake website “project 2028” lying about Kamala’s plan.
If the the values of D's and R's were the same, then common sense would be just that, common or alike. Because many of the values of the parties and it's constituents differ; what is common sense for some, are nonsense for the other.

It seems to me D's values are generally more compassionate than R's. Donnie's take on immigration is "mass deportation", (immigrants are poisoning the blood of our country), whereas D's are more concerned with asylum, and paths to citizenship. R's policy on healthcare is a more privatized system that serves people who can afford it, whereas D's would be more inclined to try establish healthcare for all, regardless of economic circumstances.

Donnie is a populist. People, for whatever reason really like him. Incumbents all over the world have been losing elections because of the pain covid wrought on their economies. Donnie kept using the economic pain that the world went through to sow doubt. I guess we'll see how he does this term, but if Musk is correct, the people will see economic pain as a feature, not a bug. R's are all about consolidating wealth among the wealthy, so that's likely what we'll see. If I was rich and an asshole, I'd be quite happy with this election. I don't see help coming at all for those in need. A measure of a civil country is how it takes care of its vulnerable. Trickle down economics has proven to be a fallacy. More money in the hands of wealthy people will not help anyone. They already have enough, and have no desire to help others.
I think I've got it,the last 20 yrs TV series and movies have given rise to the Anti-Hero,eg the Sopranos,Breaking Bad,and Mad Men,many others,could it be that accepting very flawed characters and seeing them in a sympathetic light in fiction has paved the way for the same acceptance in reality?That said I agree w/what you say,it NEVER TRICKLES DOWN and getting the rich to pay more under a D administration has to appeal to a sense of duty,giving back to a nation that provided and allowed them to amass such wealth,to be able to pay more should be seen as virtuous. Give them praise for doing so,more flies w/honey than vinegar.It can't be about jealousy/hatred and resentment, the animosity has to go.it's a simple as they will feel the hit the least and their lives won't change one iota,multiple residences to follow the weather,private club memberships,Ivy league educations guaranteed for generations,high end auto's all assured regardless of steeper taxes. Some are just mean,but many other wealthy I believe lose compassion over the hostile narrative in which taxation is pursued. And yeah,all working class people marking a ballot for the Orange wave will spend four years reaching into their pocket and feeling nothing but their genitals, it's gotta be the anti-hero thing,life imitating art,buckle up my friends.
I don't think tRump and his minions have thought this whole 'purge' idea through.

Who do they think is going to plant and harvest all the labour intensive crops a lot of the US depends on for income?

With the Colorado river drying up great swaths of farmland is likely to go barren tho I'm pretty sure golf courses will remain green.

Maybe he's counting on musk to come up with solar-powered farmer robots ready to take over by next spring.

Or they could bring back chain gangs and put all those captured 'illegals' and those idle guys just hanging around the crowded prisons out to work.

Not sure if it would be a good look tho. Rows of black guys chained together picking cotton in 110° heat while singing minstrel songs.

Who am I kidding. Considering how many opted for the Orange Messiah he'll win bigly again in '28 just for that. :(

Exactly,food rotting in fields w/no one to harvest it,another big subsidy for farmers just like when he whacked China w/tariffs and they stopped buying US soybeans,been there done that but American's attention span is now measured in minutes not yrs.,and yeah after the jujitsu job he just performed to fise from ashes shitcanning term limits can be seen as child's play to him,maybe those beach sandals he sells that leave "Trump" implanted in the sand was instrumental in him winning the popular vote will be replaced "4 MORE" a couple summers from now,after all this WTF,anything goes.
You'll have to make the same observation on Jan 21 once he is actually in a position to affect world policy.

The only way he is going to be able to stop the war in Ukraine is to convince Zelensky to cede lost territory to pootin and to do that he'll threaten to cut off future aid.

Then pootie will pat him on the head and say, Good boy. He'll think he's getting the love he never got from his father and ask, Which country can I get for you now daddy?

Yup,more winning to follow after he cements Putin's take that we will get tired and sell out the Ukes,Bibi now has no governor on his throttle and will set the mid-east ablaze w/a attack on the Ayatollah's nuke reactors(Orange will deliver the bunker busters he lacks),how is his love w/fat boy in N.Korea going to play out,NATO swirling in the toilet,etc.What idiot Americans who put him back don't get is TRUMP WILL DO NOTHING TO BENEFIT AMERCAN'S WITHOUT A QUID PRO QUO THAT BENEFITS HIM, the guy exudes an evil glow but they all wear sunglasses.
I can respect that sentiment
That thought has crossed my mind,but Trump entering a world inherently more dangerous than 2016-2020 has also crossed my mind,his tough guy poser image may well be tested this run around the block,when balls will really show and posing will be exposed,that has crossed my mind as well,he really seemed disheveled during the Covid crises. Trump is perceived by our foreign adversaries either as unpredictable(which may cause pause) or as a useful idiot(which has them salivating),sure hope the conclusion isn't disastrous.
That thought has crossed my mind,but Trump entering a world inherently more dangerous than 2016-2020 has also crossed my mind,his tough guy poser image may well be tested this run around the block,when balls will really show and posing will be exposed,that has crossed my mind as well,he really seemed disheveled during the Covid crises. Trump is perceived by our foreign adversaries either as unpredictable(which may cause pause) or as a useful idiot(which has them salivating),sure hope the conclusion isn't disastrous.

I completely disagree with you but time will tell. I think the world is about to become a more stable and prosperous place; and the US will be the greatest benefactor at the core of each of his policies
I completely disagree with you, but to me the shift world-wide to the right means more prosperity for the rich and powerful, and more suffering for the most vulnerable.

The planet will suffer more also as well. The impact of Donald Trump enacting the climate policies of the rightwing Project 2025 would result in billions of tonnes of extra carbon pollution, wrecking the US’s climate targets, as well as wiping out clean energy investments and more than a million jobs, a new analysis finds. That's just for starters.

So, buckle up. The world's most powerful country now has a megalomaniac with "unchecked" power. What could go wrong?
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They didn't show up, Bud.

We very clearly are hearing differently from the people who are happy about today's results. But more people voted for Trump than Harris. This election was driven by many things but one of them was a free and fair election that Trump won. I believe that democracy is better than the alternatives and today, our troubled but still functioning democracy chose Trump.
I’m not sure we actually KNOW that: *theoretically* we should have received a full count BEFORE the electoral college meets - instead, it seems they “just stopped counting” at some point, & poof, we get an EC result?

Electors of the EC won’t be appointed until 11 December, & won’t cast their votes in the EC until the 17th…so I simply do not see how we can have a valid & binding election result without a COMPLETE count, and the EC’s resulting electors selected based on *that*

Smells much stinkier to me than Chump’s factually-empty cheating meme…smells like they counted until he “won” - like they tried to do v. Gore in 2000 (‘Brooks Brothers riot’ - “stop the count!”)…or like their vote-manipulation efforts got jammed in on the front end w/ an advance nod & wink among MAGA loyalists

May just be me, but I doubt this is the way to build confidence in our elections