2024 outdoor show an tell anything an everything outdoor is welcome.

Just into their pre-flowering stretch it seems, with one clearly flowering more then everyone else (Fat Bastard winning right now)


That dew point in the 40s makes that possible. Here ,we are hitting 100 degrees but the dew point is in the low 70s.
ohh yeah that is what makes it work. If I get monsoon moisture come up from az its cooling effectivenes dropso off quickly.
Coming along, almost done stretching. Started noticing some Leaf spot/septoria? a week ago, after a couple of humid/rainy hot days (my yard is infested)..All are affected except the Pineapple Chunk, which may be my go-to outdoor strain if she keeps it up. Can I still spray B.T.k on my plants, or will that further help spread the spots…?
Pineapple Chunk
Spots In question
Various infected plants around the yard
also got a big ole oak tree by the plants which may be the culprit…

is there any worth in saving the cannabis plants or will I be fighting an uphill battle?
I’ve noticed with these fat indica leaves that sometimes the fingers are so wide they overlap each other which causes constant wet spots, that seems to be where the septoria hit the worst…thinking about starting an indoor run just in case, my sealed room is pretty much finished and ready to go
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Various infected plants around the yard
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also got a big ole oak tree by the plants which may be the culprit…
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is there any worth in saving the cannabis plants or will I be fighting an uphill battle?
I’ve noticed with these fat indica leaves that sometimes the fingers are so wide they overlap each other which causes constant wet spots, that seems to be where the septoria hit the worst…thinking about starting an indoor run just in case, my sealed room is pretty much finished and ready to go
I have had leaf septoria 4 out of 5 years and your spotting doesn't look bad at all to me! You will have a harvest! It is nerve wracking but hang in there!
I have had leaf septoria 4 out of 5 years and your spotting doesn't look bad at all to me! You will have a harvest! It is nerve wracking but hang in there!
phew that’s good to hear! Even if the septoria spread and got into the sugar leaves…how bad is it really for consumption? I would be bud washing and maybe even turning it into some ice water hash then press it into rosin..
phew that’s good to hear! Even if the septoria spread and got into the sugar leaves…how bad is it really for consumption? I would be bud washing and maybe even turning it into some ice water hash then press it into rosin..
Septoria on the sugar leaves won't hurt you, at least I have noticed no ill effects. What happens in bad years is that the septoria causes some of the sugar leaves to die back into the bud creating dead spots, at which point I usually harvest.
Been real bad, coastal way this summer. I won't complain though, dryer than last summer. Hey Thumper, when do you switch from spino to bt ?

@alphapinene do you have leafhoppers?
I haven't sprayed any thing yet other than sulfur Iam just starting to see cats now soon as it stops raining Iam spraying Spinosad tonight when I put cover on the plants i go to Bt that will be 3-4 weeks.
Septoria on the sugar leaves won't hurt you, at least I have noticed no ill effects. What happens in bad years is that the septoria causes some of the sugar leaves to die back into the bud creating dead spots, at which point I usually harvest.
okay cool i’ll keep an eye on it..hopefully we get an indian summer!!
Been real bad, coastal way this summer. I won't complain though, dryer than last summer. Hey Thumper, when do you switch from spino to bt ?

@alphapinene do you have leafhoppers?

a ton of leaf hoppers..such a PIA..you should see them jumping away when I’m mowing the lawn :cuss:
I haven't sprayed any thing yet other than sulfur Iam just starting to see cats now soon as it stops raining Iam spraying Spinosad tonight when I put cover on the plants i go to Bt that will be 3-4 weeks.
Ok cool, good to know. Ty. I just sprayed my first application of spino/fungicide last night between rainfalls. Found some cats a couple days ago along with a wilted branch that could be a borer.
okay cool i’ll keep an eye on it..hopefully we get an indian summer!!

a ton of leaf hoppers..such a PIA..you should see them jumping away when I’m mowing the lawn :cuss:
Yes they are. Yeah, some of those pics look like leadhopper damage to me.
Ok cool, good to know. Ty. I just sprayed my first application of spino/fungicide last night between rainfalls. Found some cats a couple days ago along with a wilted branch that could be a borer.

Yes they are. Yeah, some of those pics look like leadhopper damage to me.

I crush a few everytime i check on the plants, thought the ladybugs/pirate bugs would do some population damage but I guess the yard is just too lush with plants that they’ll always be here…we get those cool looking teal/orange leafhoppers “candystriped” over here, they seem to do the most damage