203 Sugar Kanes 14,000 Watt !!!


Active Member
hi well i thought it be time for me to start a grow journal .. so here we go
i just got 203 rooted clones transplanted them into 1gal pot . filed it half with soil only and watered them till runoff with some cloning solution . planing to veg for 2.5 weeks transplant them into 3gal pots and veg for another 2.5 week then flower . Enjoy

Day 3 Of Veg
Sunshine Pro #4 Mix
Currently Vegging With 4x1000watt MH
Strain = Sugar Kane




Active Member
damit i transplanted them since sunday and its still not dry yet ........
shoulda not water them till runoff


Active Member
shit i will definalty be checking in on your grow its fucking crazy good luck taking care of all them


Active Member
well theres been a mistake sorry guys .. its not 203 . i counted it again yesterday .. its 220 in total


Well-Known Member
oh... good deal man... i just got done doing the same thing..but i used the 18 cubes per nursery tray to veg them...have 12 soo thats like 216.. or soo.. out befor going into one gallon pots... i did it over just 2 400s hung at about 3 feet above..everything covered a good 3ish foot by 8 foot table..i vegged for a week in them from clone..and i will be putting them into there finally pots tomorrow.. it will be interesting to see how this setup will doo... heres some pics to show you what im talking about... wer should make our own group...the over 200 club..lol... pc out bro and keep it growing... what kind of soil are you using?

first pic is of right when they were transplanted..and the 2nd is 6 days later...

