203 Sugar Kanes 14,000 Watt !!!


Active Member
hi well i would like to apolize for the long delay and no updates LOL ... so ya here it is .. i threw away the 20 runts and now left with 180 of the best then transplanted them oready to 3 gal pots and veged them 3 more weeks. i just put them to sleep today for 24 hour for flowering
the last 2 pics are 5 weeks into veg

P.S sorry for the quality of pics . using a phone camera . i litterly have to dodge the light or else i get those buzzing lines in the picture



Well-Known Member
hey one other question with all that power are you on the grid or off? i want to do somthing that big but i just dont know how to over come the power issue...


Active Member
Major Propz.... !
Yo nunrg what strain are you working with?
How long does it take to water?Thannks
takes 3 hours to water :)
hey one other question with all that power are you on the grid or off? i want to do somthing that big but i just dont know how to over come the power issue...
dephends where u live my friend
looks damn good man GL!

Headbandrocker : strain is Sugar cain


Well-Known Member
where is a typical place to avoid most of the major electric issues involved with a grow this size? (not asking u where u live. besides alaska.)


Active Member
oh cuz they not gona be hiting the light anywayz . dont want to deal with the little popcorn stuff . goin for full size buds only . maybe if i was doin 5 plants id i leave it all to get the most out of it ..


Well-Known Member
my friend you are doing my dream minus the hammock bong and a fridge full of jack daniels you done this sort of stuff before?

just wondering how much you think you will yield ?

also what you do for the smell?

good luck with the grow matey and hope all that feeding doesn't result in a bad back