209 hillbilly ECV member

Good to have a place to talk pot again. For a few years I posted on overgrow. Dont know if is up anymore. Life got in the way for a bit havent been a poster for a long time. Anyway Im a retired underground gold miner/pothead. Been growing about 20 years up here in gods country. Avid hunter fisherman,and all around danger junkie. Master of all hillbilly shit. Getting ready for a knee replacement on the 18 th. Hope I rehab intime for outdoor planting. Any ecv clamper members out there give me a shout.I hope to be walking by the spring bash in mariposa .----------------mikegold slag.jpg
It looks like I have real pretty nails on one of them. Wife and I had a real good day or two metal detecting that week. Dam shame gold price was only 400.00 oz. They, the locals were trading gold gram for gram for good weed then-------mike


Well-Known Member
If thats your wife, how come all the gold isn't in her hand?
If that were my ol lady, she would have snagged it up while i was getting the camera out.
lol.. welcome aboard, though