21-0-0 / 0-46-0 / 0-0-60 if you understand this , speak up.


Well-Known Member
there are some good points . thanks

as far as erratic ph levels, I'm not using a digital meter, so it's basically " in the ballpark.

and even when I owned my pool company, where "off" levels of ph drastically change the ppm level outcome of every reading,
it was always in the "park" with todays non digital ph meters. even with a liquid system your just matching colors, and who's to say everyone see the same color spectrum.


Well-Known Member
Less is more until they ask for more in no uncertain terms, then for an application or two, or maybe longer term, a little more is more.. Just want to stress the link between lock-up and pH to go along with that concept.. Only feed your plants what they ask for if they asked for it when their pH was stable/proper..
If pH was erratic/off when they start showing deficiency, get that fixed first, and see if they can find the nutes they seem to want by themselves.. Feeding to combat lock-up is a black-hole leading to nowhere good..
very good point if you do make it to nute lock up folar feeding is anther route you could try

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
it was espoma, potash 0-0-60

i started with 5 tsp to a gal, and tested with a meter,
Ouch! 5 tsp.!? There's your problem. You've not only created a VERY high saline situation which will burn senstive root hairs and root tips but you just locked out N, Ca, and Mg. You can't have such an element overage without creating problems elsewhere. Get familiar with nutrient antagonism.

I read not to trust those meters, as they are cheaply built, but I have one so.....
I had a low reading, and added about half a cup. lol !! I was like " this should do it"
Double ouch!

Plants look good.

Less is more,


Well-Known Member
i agree with this guy. i mean come on what kind of advanced grower askes this type of stuff??

wat eva homie do ur thang and let yo tities hang!!!

C'mon.. This could be a good rudimentary fertilizer discussion thread.. Oddly thats a little lacking in the advanced forum IMO.. Its a slippery slope to a closed thread..


Well-Known Member
That wasn't even my point.. I just wanted to avoid 90% of the posts being a flame war, and 10% being productive discussion.. I browse these forums on some slow computers.. I hate loading pages that aren't worth reading..