21 Days Into Flowering...


Active Member
Whats up rollitup? Just posting another weekly thread about my girls and her babies. I have like 4 clones left out of 6 and thery are starting to show new growth so thats good. Any how I fed bat guano, earthworm castings yesterday, (once a week) and to me they look ok except for one. I overfed her lastweek and the leaves started to crumble and dry up. Just looking for advice and help to help me end up with something decent to smoke. About to order some Purple Widow and Tangerine Dream so I can start new for new years. Any advice is greatly appreciated!!! Sorry if the pics are not of great quality, my camera sucks ass.



Active Member
lights are (2) 68 watt warm bulbs and (2) 42 watt warm bulbs. 68 watt bulbs are 4200 lumens a piece and 42 watt bulbs are 2700 lumens
was looking around to see how my ladies compared to 21 days of flowering and looks preeeettty darn much the same (btw today is my 21th day of flowering too)